50th anniversary of IAB (Cover)
50th anniversary of IAB (Table of Contents)
Special issue of Bryophyte Diversity & Evolution: 50th anniversary of IAB
Advances and challenges in bryophyte biology after 50 years of International Association of Bryologists
50 years of the International Association of Bryologists
Checklist of fossil liverworts suitable for calibrating phylogenetic reconstructions
Fossil mosses: What do they tell us about moss evolution?
The diversity of the Polytrichopsida—a review
The mitochondrial genomes of bryophytes
An illustrated step-by-step protocol for investigating liverwort chromosomes
Does degeneration or genetic conflict shape gene content on UV sex chromosomes?
Karyotypic diversity and cryptic speciation: Have we vastly underestimated moss species diversity?
Polyploidization within the Funariaceae—a key principle behind speciation, sporophyte reduction and the high variance of spore diameters?
Evidence for interspecific hybridization in bryophytes during pre-molecular and molecular eras
Island biogeography: an avenue for research in bryology
Antarctic bryophyte research—current state and future directions
500 million years of charted territory: functional ecological traits in bryophytes
Bryophytes as key indicators of ecosystem function and structure of northern peatlands
Cell wall polymers in the Phaeoceros placenta reflect developmental and functional differences across generations
Advances in understanding of mycorrhizal-like associations in bryophytes