ALLEN, GERALD R., Department of Aquatic Zoology, Western Australian Museum, Locked Bag 49, Welshpool DC, Perth, Western Australia 6986, Australia., Australia

  • Zootaxa Vol. 4999 No. 3: 12 Jul. 2021 - Correspondence

    Neopomacentrus flavicauda: a replacement name for Neopomacentrus xanthurus Allen & Randall, 1981 (Perciformes: Pomacentridae), a secondary junior homonym of Dascyllus xanthurus Bleeker, 1853

  • Zootaxa Vol. 5061 No. 3: 5 Nov. 2021 - Article

    Redescription of Conniella apterygia Allen and its reassignment in the genus Cirrhilabrus Temminck and Schlegel (Teleostei: Labridae), with comments on cirrhilabrin pelvic morphology

    Abstract  PDF(7M)