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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2024-09-03
Page range: 596-600
Abstract views: 332
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Discovering the likely type locality of Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi (Berkenkamp, 1976) in the Lower Cross Basin (Nigeria)

Obafemi Awolowo University; Department of Zoology; Ile Ife; Nigeria
Royal Museum for Central Africa; Vertebrate Section; Ichthyology; Leuvensesteenweg13; B-3080 Tervuren; Belgium
Pisces Fundulopanchax spoorenbergi Nigeria


  1. Berkenkamp, H.O. (1976) Aphyosemion spoorenbergi spec. nov., ein neuer Prachtkärpfling aus dem Grenzgebiet von Nigeria/West Kamerun. Der Aquarienfreund, 5 (7), 123–138.
  2. Boelen, P. (1974) Een nieuwe Aphyosemion binnen de KFN? Killy Nieuws Oktober, 1974, 4–5 + 8–9.
  3. Murphy, W.J. & Collier, G.E. (1990) Phylogenetic Relationships of African Killifishes in the Genera Aphyosemion and Fundulopanchax Inferred from Mitochondrial DNA Sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 11 (No. 3), 351–360.
  4. Radda, A.C. (1977) Vorläufige Beschreibung von vier neuen Subgenera der Gattung Aphyosemion Myers. Aquaria, 24, 212.
  5. Scheel, J.J. (1968) Aphyosemion ndianum sp. nov. Rivulins of the Old World. TFH Publications, Neptune City, New Jersey, 455 pp.
  6. Teugels, G.G., Reid, G.M. & King, R.P. (1992) Fishes of the Cross River Basin (Cameroon-Nigeria) Taxonomy, Zoogeography, ecology and conservation. Annales Sciences Zoologiques. Vol. 266. Musee Royal de lÁfrique Centrale, Tervuren, 132 seiten.