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Type: Article
Published: 2024-01-30
Page range: 281-295
Abstract views: 436
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A new canopy-dwelling species of the genus Alloscopus Börner (Collembola: Orchesellidae: Heteromurinae) from Mt. Makiling, Philippines

Environmental Biology Division; Institute of Biological Sciences; College of Arts and Sciences; and Museum of Natural History; University of the Philippines Los Baños; Laguna; Philippines
Museum of Natural History; University of the Philippines Los Baños; Laguna; Philippines
Environmental Biology Division; Institute of Biological Sciences; College of Arts and Sciences; and Museum of Natural History; University of the Philippines Los Baños; Laguna; Philippines
Florida State Collection of Arthropods; Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; Gainesville; FL; United States of America
Excellence Center for Biodiversity of Peninsular Thailand; Faculty of Science; Prince of Songkla University; Hat Yai; Songkhla; 90110; Thailand
Collembola chaetotaxy Luzon Island springtails taxonomy


A new species of Alloscopus Börner, 1906 (Orchesellidae: Heteromurinae), A. arborealis sp. nov., is herein described from Mt. Makiling, Laguna, Philippines. The new species is distinct from its blind congeners by the combination of: 7+7 macrochaetae on head ‘An’ series and 1+1 on ‘M’ series; 13+13 macrochaetae on thorax II (vs. 9–12) and 7+7 central on thorax III (vs. 6+6); absence of the microsensilla on abdomen I; abdomen IV with four sensilla (vs. three); and ventral tube with a small number of chaetae on its posterior face (4–5 vs. 11–23) and lateral flap (7 vs. 9–16). The complete body chaetotaxic pattern of the new species and a revised key to the world fauna of Alloscopus are also provided.



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