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Type: Article
Published: 2023-09-07
Page range: 126-150
Abstract views: 349
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On the taxonomy of the jumping spider genus Matinta Ruiz & Maddison, 2019, with a taxonomic revision of the vicana species-group (Araneae: Salticidae: Amycini)

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia; Universidade Federal do Pará / Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi; Brazil
Instituto de Ciências Biológicas; Universidade Federal do Pará; Rua Augusto Corrêa; 01; CEP 66075-110; Belém; PA; Brazil
Araneae cheliceral teeth Ecuador French Guiana Brazil new species


The male of Matinta opiparis (Simon, 1900) is redescribed based on fresh material, and the female is described for the first time. Matinta tatianae sp. nov. (male) is described from Acre and Pará, Brazil. The vicana species-group of Matinta is revised, as follows: the males of M. silvae (Crane, 1943), M. fonsecai (Soares & Camargo, 1948), and M. vicana (Simon, 1900), and the female of M. silvae are redescribed based on fresh material. Three new species of the group are described: Matinta maddisoni sp. nov. from Morona Santiago, Ecuador (♂♀); Matinta pereirae sp. nov. from Amazonas, Brazil (♂); and Matinta aragog sp. nov. from French Guiana (♂). Detailed description of cheliceral dentition is given and commented. We conclude that the complex dentition within Amycini should be revised and more carefully studied.



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