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Type: Article
Published: 2023-05-17
Page range: 578-584
Abstract views: 392
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First report of brittle stars (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from a seamount in the eastern Arabian Sea

CSIR–National Institute of Oceanography; Regional Centre; Dr. Salim Ali Road; Post Box No. 1913; Kochi 682018; India
National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research; Ministry of Earth Sciences; Headland Sada; Vasco-da-Gama; Goa 403 804; India
CSIR–National Institute of Oceanography; Regional Centre; Dr. Salim Ali Road; Post Box No. 1913; Kochi 682018; India
CSIR–National Institute of Oceanography; Regional Centre; Dr. Salim Ali Road; Post Box No. 1913; Kochi 682018; India
CSIR–National Institute of Oceanography; Regional Centre; Dr. Salim Ali Road; Post Box No. 1913; Kochi 682018; India
Echinodermata biodiversity Laccadive Plateau Indian Ocean benthos


This paper reports two species—Ophiozonella molesta (Koehler, 1904) and Ophiothamnus venustus Matsumoto, 1915, from a seamount in the Eastern Arabian Sea. This forms the first ever report of Ophiothamnus venustus from the Indian Ocean, and the first verified report of Ophiozonella molesta from Indian waters. This is the first ever work to document benthic invertebrates from seamounts in the Arabian Sea.



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