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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2023-04-06
Page range: 441-450
Abstract views: 394
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New species of the genus Astyris (Gastropoda: Neogastropoda: Buccinoidea: Columbellidae) from the vicinity of hydrothermal vents of the Piip Volcano, southwestern Bering Sea

A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution; Russian Academy of Sciences; Leninski prospect 33; Moscow 119071; Russian Federation
Shirshov Institute of Oceanology; Russian Academy of Sciences; 36; Nahimovskiy prospekt; Moscow 117997; Russian Federation
Shirshov Institute of Oceanology; Russian Academy of Sciences; 36; Nahimovskiy prospekt; Moscow 117997; Russian Federation
Mollusca Gastropoda Neogastropoda Buccinoidea Columbellidae


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