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Type: Article
Published: 2022-10-17
Page range: 554-566
Abstract views: 273
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Sixth contribution to the study of the Lithosiini of Gabon: the genus Pseudopoliosia Krüger, 2015 (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae)

Museo di Storia naturale del Salento. S.P. Calimera-Borgagne, Km 1, 73021 Calimera, Italy.
Institut de Recherches sur l’Écologie Tropicale, Libreville, Gabon.
Lepidoptera Afrotropical Lithosiini genus Pseudopoliosia new species


The genus Pseudopoliosia Krüger, 2015 is recorded for the first time in Gabon. Two new species are described, and a checklist and keys to the species are provided.



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