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Type: Article
Published: 2021-10-18
Page range: 486-500
Abstract views: 481
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Further addition to the Indian fauna of Euryleptidae (Polycladida: Cotylea) with description of a new Cycloporus Lang, 1884 and Eurylepta Ehrenberg, 1831

Bombay Natural History Society, Fort, Mumbai, India 400001.
Srushti Conservation Foundation, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Platyhelminthes Indian Ocean marine biodiversity colour pattern Platyhelminthes Mumbai Ratnagiri


A study of polyclad fauna in Maharashtra along the west coast of India and the Andaman group of Islands was carried out in the period 2018–2020. The paper describes Cycloporus decoratus sp. nov. and Eurylepta alicula sp. nov. based on external and internal anatomical features. The study also reports Eurylepta turma for the first time from the Indo-Pacific region and this is the second record of the species after its first formal description from Brazil in 1952. The paper comments on the distribution pattern of the genus Eurylepta and Cycloporus.



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