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Type: Article
Published: 2021-06-29
Page range: 111-128
Abstract views: 707
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Description of two new species of Rhamphus related to R. oxyacanthae (Curculionidae, Curculioninae, Rhamphini) from Italy based on a morphological study supported by molecular data

via A. Guazzoni 40, I-20092 Cinisello Balsamo, Italy.
via Lorenteggio 37, 20146 Milano, Italy.
Department of Plant Pests, Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Banatska 33, 11080 Zemun, Serbia. CABI Switzerland 2800 Delémont, Switzerland.
Coleoptera Rhamphus new species morphology mtCOI host plants distribution


Two new species of the weevil genus Rhamphus from Italy are herein described: R. bavierai n. sp. (Sicily) and R. hampsicora n. sp. (Sardinia). Both are morphologically and from a molecular perspective close to R. oxyacanthae (Marsham, 1802) and R. monzinii Pesarini & Diotti, 2012. Aside from a diagnostic description and a synoptic key, distribution data and notes on the host plants of the four species are reported. Whereas R. monzinii can be distinguished by several morphological characters, the other three species are morphologically very similar to each other and separable only by the combination of a few subtle characters. On the contrary, a preliminary molecular study revealed substantial divergences of mtCOI from 6.2 to 14.9% between the species, confirming the importance of an integrative taxonomy.



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