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Type: Article
Published: 2021-06-02
Page range: 490–520
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Three new species of Heteromysis (Crustacea: Mysida) from coral reef aquaria in Florida and Central Europe

Medical University of Vienna, Department of Environmental Health, Kinderspitalgasse 15, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Haus des Meeres—Aqua Terra Zoo, Fritz Grünbaum Platz 1, A-1060 Vienna, Austria
IMBE, CNRS, Aix Marseille Université, IRD, Avignon Université, Station Marine d’Endoume, Rue de la Batterie des Lions, F-13007 Marseille, France
IMBE, CNRS, Aix Marseille Université, IRD, Avignon Université, Station Marine d’Endoume, Rue de la Batterie des Lions, F-13007 Marseille, France
Crustacea first description taxonomy eye morphology sexual dimorphism 18S rDNA and COI barcodes


Three new species of the genus Heteromysis S.I. Smith, 1873 (tribus Heteromysini), are described from a rich stock of mysids obtained on request from the international community of professional aquarium keepers. The 18S rDNA and COI sequences of the three species were distinct from each other and also from other sequences published in DNA databases. Heteromysis (Olivemysis) schoenbrunnensis sp. nov. is morphologically characterized within the subgenus Olivemysis based on the structure of the first and second antennae, male pleopods, uropods, and telson. Heteromysis (Heteromysis) gulfarii sp. nov. is outstanding within the subgenus Heteromysis by sexually dimorphic modified setae on the antennular trunk. These setae are non-dimorphic in the very similar Heteromysis (Heteromysis) korntalensis sp. nov. Both species H. gulfarii and to a lesser degree also H. korntalensis show modified eyes, subquadrate in dorsal view, eyestalks anteriorly tapering in lateral view; small, well-developed cornea implanted laterally on modified eyestalk. Apart from eye structure H. gulfarii and H. korntalensis clearly fall morphologically within the nominotypical subgenus Heteromysis.



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