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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2021-06-01
Page range: 397–400
Abstract views: 230
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The type species of Bronchocela Kaup, 1827 and lectotype designations for Agama cristatella Kuhl, 1820 and Agama gutturosa Merrem, 1820 (Squamata: Iguania: Agamidae)

University of New Orleans, 2000 Lakeshore Drive, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70148, USA.


The agamid genus Bronchocela Kaup, 1827 comprises 13 species of diurnal, arboreal lizards distributed from India east through Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, to Papua New Guinea (Diong & Lim 1998; Hallermann 2005; Grismer et al. 2015). Once occupying this entire range, B. cristatella’s distribution has now been restricted to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, southern Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Papua New Guinea (Hallermann 2005). My intention here is to: 1) clarify the type species of the genus-group name Bronchocela; 2) resolve the valid name for the taxon under consideration; 3) designate lectotypes for Agama cristatella Kuhl, 1820 and Agama gutturosa Merrem, 1820, and; 4) discuss the type locality for the taxon under consideration.



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