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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2021-05-28
Page range: 212–214
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A brief review of the stony coral (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Scleractinia) papers published by Zootaxa in its first 20 years

Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA;
Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA; Senckenberg Research Institute, Frankfurt/Main, Germany; Corresponding author:
Cnidaria Anthozoa Scleractinia


In the 20 year history of Zootaxa, thirty-two papers have been published having Scleractinia as its primary focus. Twenty-four of the 32 scleractinian papers deal with Recent taxa, most of which belonging to shallow-water, reef corals. The 8 publications dealing with fossil Scleractinia include 3 monographic works, three papers discussing nomenclatural issues of individual taxa, and 2 papers deal with various aspects of select genera.



  1. Baron-Szabo, R.C. (2008) Corals of the K/T-boundary: Scleractinian corals of the suborders Dendrophylliina, Caryophylliina, Fungiina, Microsolenina, and Stylinina. Zootaxa, 1952, 1–244.

    Baron-Szabo, R.C. (2015) Paraclausastrea vorarlbergensis sp. nov.; a new coral from the Lower Cretaceous of western Austria (Scleractinia; upper Barremian–lower Aptian; Schrattenkalk Fm.; Vorarlberg). Zootaxa, 4032(3), 327–332.

    Baron-Szabo, R.C. (2016) New taxonomic, stratigraphic, and geographic information on the genus Faksephyllia Floris, 1972 (Scleractinia; Caryophylliidae); first records from the Oligocene of Austria, Germany, and Italy. Zootaxa, 4154(5), 526–540.

    Baron-Szabo, R.C. (2018) Scleractinian corals from the upper Berriasian of central Europe and comparison with contemporaneous coral assemblages. Zootaxa, 4383, 1–98.

    Baron-Szabo, R.C. (2021) Upper Barremian–lower Aptian scleractinian corals of central Europe (Schrattenkalk Fm., Helvetic Zone, Austria, Germany, Switzerland). Zootaxa, 4960(1), 1–199.

    Benzoni, F. & Stefani, F. (2012) Porites fontanesii, a new species of hard coral (Scleractinia, Poritidae) from the southern Red Sea, the Gulf of Tadjoura, and the Gulf of Aden, and its phylogenetic relationships within the genus. Zootaxa, 3447(1), 56–68.

    Benzoni, F, Arrigoni, R, Berumen, M.L., Taviani, M. & Bongaerta, P. & Frade, P.R. (2018) Morphological and genetic divergence between Mediterranean and Caribbean populations of Madracis pharensis (Heller 1868) (Scleractinia, Pocilloporidae): too much for one species? Zootaxa, 4471, 473–492.

    Cairns, S.D. (2007) Deep-water corals: an overview with special reference to diversity and distribution of deep-water scleractinian corals. Bulletin of Marine Science, 81(3), 311‒322.

    Doweld. A.B. (2014) Starostinia, a new generic replacement name for Ironella STAROSTINA & KRASNOV, 1970 (Anthozoa: Scleractinia: Rhipidogyridae) non COBB, 1920 (Nematoda: Ironidae). Zootaxa, 3815(2), 299‒300.

    Garberoglio, R.M. (2018) Sphenotrochus cairnsi, new name for Sphenotrochus cuneolus Cairns 2004 (Scleractinia; Turbinoliidae). Zootaxa, 4526(3), 392.

    Picciani, N., Oires, D.O. & Silva, H.R. (2011) Cnidocysts of Caryophylliidae and Dendrophylliidae (Cnidaria: Scleractinia): taxonomic distribution and phylogenetic implications. Zootaxa, 3135, 35‒54.

    Zaman, S. & Lathuilière, B. (2014) A lectotype for Cyathophora richardi Michelin 1843. Zootaxa, 3795(2), 198–200.