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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2019-02-20
Page range: 581–586
Abstract views: 130
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Description of a new subspecies of Prosopocoilus antilopus (Swederus, 1787) (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) from Annobón Island, Gulf of Guinea

Department of Life Science, Natural History Museum, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom.
Coleoptera Lucanidae


Annobón is an extinct volcano about 17.5 km2 in area, and it is the furthest out and one of the smallest islands of the Gulf of Guinea, which also include Bioko, Príncipe, and São Tomé. A series of Prosopocoilus Westwood, 1845 collected from Annobón was found in the collection of the Natural History Museum, London (BMNH), where it was misidentified as Prosopocoilus natalensis (Parry, 1864).



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