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Type: Article
Published: 2018-05-25
Page range: 493–518
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Sixteen new generic records of Korean Bryozoa from southern coastal waters and Jeju Island, East China Sea: evidence of tropical affinities

Department of Biotechnology, Graduate School, Woosuk University, Jeonbuk 55338, Republic of Korea.
Department of Eco-Biological Science, Woosuk University, Chungbuk 27841, Republic of Korea.
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, Private Bag 14901, Wellington, New Zealand.
Bryozoa Cheilostomata new species new records new combinations marine biodiversity ‘hotspot’ warm-water influence


The first records of 16 genera of cheilostome Bryozoa not previously reported for Korea are given here. All are from southern coastal waters, especially Jeju Island, which appears to be Korea’s marine-biodiversity ‘hotspot’. Jodoella koreensis n. gen. et sp. (Robertsonidridae) is new to science. Seven additional new species are described for the genera Copidozoum, Reptadeonella, Schizosmittina, Saevitella, Torquatella, Stephanollona and Plesiocleidochasma. The other genera new to the Korean fauna are Dibunostoma, Corbulella, Onychocella, Stephanotheca, Bryopesanser, Calloporina, Hippaliosina and Pleuromucrum. The Japanese Pleistocene species Calloporina hayamiae Arakawa is newly reported alive from Jeju Island. Four of the species were previously known only from the tropical Indo–West Pacific, three others are found in semitropical/warm-temperate water, and the other known genera have warm-water species, supporting data from other taxa that Korean’s southern waters, especially in the vicinity of Jeju Island, are profoundly influenced by the warm Kuroshio Current and global warming trends. Currently, at least 112 species of Bryozoa are known from Jeju Island, 101 of them Cheilostomata, representing c. 70% of all Korean cheilostome species. Four new combinations are introduced: Copidozoum canui (Sakakura) n. comb., Schizo pedicellata (Soule, Soule & Chaney) n. comb., Torquatella ensenada (Tilbrook) n. comb. and Torquatella longiuscula (Harmer) n. comb. Torquatellidae is subsumed in Celleporidae and Predanophora in Torquatella.



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