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Type: Article
Published: 2018-05-24
Page range: 442–450
Abstract views: 136
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Description of Microgomphus farrelli sp. nov. (Odonata: Anisoptera: Gomphidae) based on adults of both sexes and larvae from Northern Thailand

211/5 Moo 4, Takhli, Nakhon Sawan, 60140, Thailand.
211/5 Moo 4, Takhli, Nakhon Sawan, 60140, Thailand.
Odonata dragonfly Anisoptera Gomphidae Microgomphus new species Thailand


The new gomphid species, Microgomphus farrelli sp. nov., is described and illustrated on the basis of male and female adult specimens and larvae collected from Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Son province, Northern Thailand. It is compared with other species of the genus. Based on the larvae this species is most closely related to Microgomphus svihleri (Asahina, 1970), comb. nov., which is the senior and valid synonym of Microgomphus thailandicus Asahina, 1981, syn. nov.



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