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Type: Article
Published: 2016-08-02
Page range: 36–58
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A systematic appraisal of the types of ten species of Otostigmus (Parotostigmus) (Scolopendromorpha, Scolopendridae, Otostigminae) 

Departamento de Biologia e Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. Avenida Fernando Correa da Costa, 2367, Boa Esperança, 78060-900, Cuiabá, MT, Brasil.
Myriapoda Centipede Chilopoda Parotostigmus Taxonomy Neotropical Brazil


The type material of O. brunneus Chamberlin, 1921, O. casus Chamberlin, 1914, O. clavifer Chamberlin, 1921, O. cooperi Chamberlin, 1942, O. occidentalis Meinert, 1886, O. rex Chamberlin, 1914, O. samacus Chamberlin, 1944, O. scabricauda (Humbert & Saussure, 1870), O. suitius Chamberlin, 1914, and O. therezopolis Chamberlin, 1944, are revised. The types of O. casus, O. cooperi, O. occidentalis, O. rex, O. samacus, O. scabricauda, and O. therezopolis are illustrated for the first time. Among the species examined, O. clavifer, O. occidentalis, O. scabricauda, O. suitius, O. caudatus Brölemann, 1902 and O. pococki Kraepelin, 1903 are still valid. Otostigmus casus, O. rex, and O. samacus are considered junior synonyms of O. suitius; O. brunneus is a junior synonym of O. clavifer; O. therezopolis is a junior synonym of O. caudatus and O. cooperi is a junior synonym of O. pococki. Diagnoses for the valid species are given.



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