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Type: Article
Published: 2007-09-05
Page range: 25–56
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A review of the genus Genyocerus Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Platypodinae), with new synonyms and keys to species

161/2 Mu 5, Soi Wat Pranon, T.Donkaew, A.Maerim, Chiangmai 50180, Thailand
Entomology Department, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, 402 Taiwan, Republic of China
Coleoptera Curculionidae Diapus Dipterocarpaceae Genyocerus keys new records new synonymy Oriental region Platypodinae


The Oriental genus Genyocerus Motschulsky is reviewed and distinguished from the closely related genus Diapus Chapuis.  The following new synonyms are proposed:  Genyocerus biporus Schedl (=Diacavus intermedius Browne); Genyocerus diaphanus (Schedl) (= Diacavus abdominalis Schedl,  =Diacavus philippinensis Schedl, = Diacavus sexporus Schedl); Genyocerus frontalis (Strohmeyer) (= Diacavus longicollis Browne); Genyocerus multiporus (Schedl) (= Diacavus decemspinatus Schedl); Genyocerus pendleburyi (Schedl) (= Diapus albipennis Strohmeyer nec Motschulsky, = Genyocerus strohmeyeri Wood); Genyocerus puer (Schedl) (= Genyocerus puer trispinatus (Browne); Genyocerus quadriporus (Schedl) (= Diacavus compactus Schedl, = Diacavus compactus dubiosus Schedl,= Diacavus quadridens Browne, =Diacavus quadrifoveolatus Schedl); Genyocerus talurae (Stebbing) (= Genyocerus dipterocarpi Browne).  Keys are provided to males and females.  The previously unknown females of G. borneensis (Schedl) and G. frontalis are described.  The species are almost entirely restricted in their hosts to trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae.


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