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Type: Article
Published: 2009-12-22
Page range: 263–271
Abstract views: 137
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The Trichocera (Trichocera) rectistylus species group: females and a new species (Diptera, Trichoceridae)

Department of Zoology and Laboratory of Ornithology, Faculty of Science of the Palacký University, tř. Svobody 26, CZ-77146 Olomouc, Czech Republic
Diptera Trichoceridae Trichocera (Trichocera) rectistylus species group descriptions of female terminalia new species key


Females of the Trichocera (Trichocera) rectistylus species group have been found to profoundly differ from those of other Trichocera Meigen, 1803 by the structure of their terminalia. The female terminalia are described for T. (T.) altipons Starý, 1998, T. (T.) basidens Starý, 1998, T. (T.) polanensis Starý, 2002 and T. (T.) rectistylus Starý, 1998. In addition, another species of the rectistylus group, T. (T.) villosa sp. n. (Czech Republic), is described from both males and females.