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Type: Article
Published: 2023-07-31
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Contribution to the Protonemura Kempny, 1898 (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) of the Caucasus

Department of Zoology; Eszterházy Károly Catholic University; Leányka u. 6; H-3300 Eger; Hungary
Department of Ecology; University of Prešov; 17. novembra 1; SK-08001 Prešov; Slovakia
Mátra Museum of the Hungarian Natural History Museum; Kossuth Lajos u. 40; H-3200 Gyöngyös; Hungary
55 Bd Joseph Vallier; F-38100 Grenoble; France
Andrej Kmeť Museum; Slovak National Museum – Museums in Martin; Andreja Kmeťa str. 20; SK-03601 Martin; Slovakia
Plecoptera Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia nymph description Protonemura apetor sp. n. Protonemura boris sp. n. Protonemura soad sp. n.


New records of Protonemura species are enumerated on the basis of specimens collected between 2015 and 2019 in the Greater and Lesser Caucasus. Three new species are proposed on the basis of males, females and nymphs: P. apetor sp. n. from Georgia, P. boris sp. n. from Azerbaijan and Georgia, and P. soad sp. n. from Armenia and Georgia. Comments are given on the variability of the adults of P. spinulata Martynov, 1928 and P. viridis Balinsky, 1950 on the basis of Azerbaijani and Georgian specimens. The hitherto unknown nymph of P. aculeata Theischinger, 1976, P. bacurianica bacurianica Zhiltzova, 1957, P. oreas Martynov, 1928, P. spinulata and P. viridis are described on the basis of association by pharate adults. Protonemura spinulata is new for Armenia, P. triangulata Martynov, 1928 is new for the Lesser Caucasus, and Nemoura dromokeryx Theischinger, 1976 is new for Georgia and the Caucasus. A checklist of the Protonemura species known from Anatolia, the Caucasus, the Alborz and the Levant is presented.


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