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Type: Article
Published: 2009-08-31
Page range: 429–435
Abstract views: 145
PDF downloaded: 148

Anterior muscular system of the dwarf ectoparasitic male Scolelepis laonicola (Tzetlin, 1985) (Polychaeta, Spionidae)

Biological Station of Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Institute of Developmental Biology, Moscow, Russia
dwarf male morphology sexual dimorphism Spionidae Polychaeta


The muscular system of the dwarf ectoparasitic male of Scolelepis laonicola (Tzetlin, 1985) was reconstructed by Falloidin-TRITC technique and confocal scanning microscopy. The anterior part of the male penetrates the female. All four main longitudinal muscle strands of the male’s body enter the female; they are twisted about 90°. Oblique muscle fibers form a pear-shaped structure; they are very similar to the peristomial muscles in Prionospio cirrifera Wirèn. The well-developed musculature of the virtually immobile parasitic male of S. laonicola indicates good swimming abilities of juvenile males at the presettlement stage of the free-living larva.