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Type: Article
Published: 2008-07-25
Page range: 47–61
Abstract views: 143
PDF downloaded: 0

Digital imaging of micro bivalves

Bivalves molluscs photography microscopy


Advancements in digital camera technology, microscope optics and image capture software have allowed researchers to create more detailed and higher quality images than ever before. Digital imaging using light microscopy at high magnifi - cations does, however, have its limitations. Features that may be diagnostic for species identifi cation can often be diffi cult to illustrate using standard imaging techniques alone, and other methods, such as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and traditional line illustration, may be better suited to the task. The best results are often achieved by using a combination of these methods to create visual taxonomic guides to bivalve species. Drawing from the experiences gained whilst undertaking digital imaging projects, this paper covers current working practices in place at Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales, providing details of the equipment and techniques in use. Specimen preparation, lighting methods, digital image post-processing and image fi le management are discussed. These topics will detail the methods used for capturing aspects of bivalve morphology of both the shell and the anatomy of specimens 5 mm in size or less in order to produce publication quality images for taxonomic research.