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Type: Article
Published: 2020-12-21
Page range: 607–613
Abstract views: 339
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A new fossil genus of the tribe Synchitini Erichson (Tenebrionoidea: Zopheridae: Colydiinae) from Eocene Baltic amber

Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nahimovskiy prospekt 36, Moscow 117997, Russia Kaliningrad Regional Amber Museum, Marshal Vasilevskii square 1, Kaliningrad 236016, Russia
16405 Fox Valley Terrace, Rockville, Maryland 20853, USA
Coleoptera Tenebrionoidea Zopheridae Colydiinae Cenozoic Paleogene succinite new taxa cylindrical bark beetle interfacetal setation


A new extinct monotypic genus and species of the cylindrical bark beetles, Semicoxelus sontagae gen. et sp. nov., is described and figured based on an inclusion in Baltic amber. The new representative from the Eocene is classified within the synchitine tribe and placed near the morphologically close extant genera, including Coxelus Dejean, Diodesma Latreille and Notocoxelus Ślipiński & Lawrence. The description and comparison of the new fossil are accompanied by a brief discussion focusing on an interesting morphological character of cylindrical bark beetles: the presence/absence of interfacetal setae on the eyes.


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