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Type: Article
Published: 2020-07-03
Page range: 582–588
Abstract views: 67
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A new species of Trimma (Pisces: Gobiidae) from the northern Palauan Islands, western Pacific Ocean

Curator Emeritus, Department of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ont., Canada M5S 2C6 Professor Emeritus, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont., Canada M5S 1A1
Pisces taxonomy pygmygoby Western Pacific coral reef gobies


A new species of Trimma is described from the northern Palaun islands. Trimma kalum n. sp. lacks scales on the cheeks, opercle and nape, has an elongate second spine of the first dorsal fin, reaching posteriorly to the base of the 2nd–10th ray of the second dorsal fin when adpressed, 17–18 pectoral-fin rays with 12–13 branched rays in the middle of the fin, a single dichotomous branch point in the 5th pelvic-fin ray, which is 51–75% the length of the 4th ray, a very well developed dermal crest in the midline between the base of the first dorsal spine and the posterior interorbital region, a U-shaped interorbital trench with no fleshy median ridge, a poorly developed postorbital trench ending between the 4th to 5th papillae in row p, which has 6 papillae in total, and there are 5 papillae in row c beneath the eye. When live and freshly collected, the species is very similar in appearance to T. sheppardi, with an overall yellow body, three yellow bars across the cheek, and a double dark spot above the posterior portion of the opercle.



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