ZOOTAXA ISSN 1175-5326 (Print Edition) & ISSN 1175-5334 (Online Edition)
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Zootaxa nov. 

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24/12/2010  21 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea 
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia
Araneae: 9 new species of Araneae
Diptera: 10 new species of Diptera

23/12/2010  12 new taxa are described in papers published today
Thysanoptera: 1 new genus and 2 new species of Thysanoptera from China
Hymenoptera: 1 new genus and 3 new species of Hymenoptera
Diptera: 5 new species of Diptera

22/12/2010  18 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  3 new genera and 8 new species of  Hemiptera 
Diptera: 3 new species of Diptera
Thysanoptera: 3 new species of Thysanoptera
Diplura: 1 new species of  Diplura

21/12/2010  9 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari: 1 new genus and 7 new species of Acari 
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia

20/12/2010  3 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 3 new species of Diptera

17/12/2010  9 new taxa are described in papers published today
Mollusca: 8 new species of Mollusca from China
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia from Mexico

16/12/2010  3 new taxa are described in papers published today
Pisces: 3 new species of Pisces

15/12/2010  23 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari: 2 new species of Acari 
Bryozoa: 1 new genus and 18 new species of Bryozoa 
Platyhelminthes: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Platyhelminthes 

14/12/2010  21 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  4 new species of  Hemiptera 
Coleoptera: 8 new species of Coleoptera
Hymenoptera: 2 new species of Hymenoptera
Diptera: 4 new species of Diptera
Odonata: 1 new species of Odonata 
Ephemeroptera: 2 new species of Ephemeroptera 

13/12/2010  15 new taxa are described in papers published today
Lepidoptera: 3 new species and 7 new subspecies of Lepidoptera 
Hymenoptera: 4 new species of Hymenoptera
Protura: 1 new species of Protura

10/12/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari: 1 new species of Acari 
Araneae: 4 new species of Araneae
Reptilia: 1 new subspecies of Reptilia
Amphibia: 2 new species of Amphibia

9/12/2010  7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea 
Reptilia: 1 new subspecies of Reptilia
Myriapoda: 2 new species of Myriapoda
Lepidoptera: 2 new species of Lepidoptera 

8/12/2010  18 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  1 new genus and 4 new species of  Hemiptera 
Hymenoptera: 6 new species of Hymenoptera
Coleoptera: 5 new genera of Coleoptera
Diptera: 2 new species of Diptera

7/12/2010  12 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 6 new species of Crustacea 
Reptilia: 1 new subspecies of Reptilia
Platyhelminthes: 1 new species of Platyhelminthes 
Mollusca: 3 new species of Mollusca
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces

6/12/2010  25 new taxa are described in papers published today
Annelida: 7 new species of Annelida 
Crustacea: 8 new species of Crustacea 
Hymenoptera: 7 new species of Hymenoptera
Phthiraptera: 3 new species of Phthiraptera 

3/12/2010  313 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 143 new species of Diptera
Mollusca: 2 new genera and 2 new species of Mollusca
Echinodermata: 2 new genera and 5 new species of Echinodermata
Opiliones: 12 new species of Opiliones 
Protura: 1 new genus and 22 new species of Protura
Hemiptera:  47 new species of  Hemiptera 
Araneae: 2 new genera and 23 new species of Araneae
Hymenoptera: 36 new species of Hymenoptera
Pisces: 3 new species of Pisces
Amphibia: 2 new species of Amphibia
Crustacea: 11 new species of Crustacea 

2/12/2010  6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  1 new genus and 3 new species of Acari 
Amphibia: 2 new species of Amphibia

1/12/2010  13 new taxa are described in papers published today
Ephemeroptera: 2 new species of Ephemeroptera 
Lepidoptera: 2 new genera of Lepidoptera 
Coleoptera: 1 new genus and 7 new species of Coleoptera
Hemiptera:  1 new species of  Hemiptera 

30/11/2010  7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea 
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia
Coleoptera: 3 new species of Coleoptera
Hemiptera:  1 new species of  Hemiptera 
Neuroptera: 1 new species of Neuroptera 

29/11/2010  6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea 
Araneae: 1 new species of Araneae
Solifugae: 1 new species of Solifugae
Pisces: 2 new species of Pisces
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia

26/11/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Orthoptera: 1 new species of Orthoptera from China
Hemiptera:  2 new species of  Hemiptera 
Trichoptera: 3 new species of Trichoptera from Costa Rica
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera
Diptera: 1 new species of Diptera

25/11/2010  6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 6 new species of Crustacea 

24/11/2010  26 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 21 new species of Coleoptera
Hymenoptera: 4 new species of Hymenoptera
Odonata: 1 new species of Odonata 

23/11/2010  7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  3 new species of Acari from China
Bryozoa: 1 new species of Bryozoa from Korea
Ricinulei: 1 new species of Ricinulei from Brazil
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea 

22/11/2010  19 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 11 new species of Diptera from China
Collembola: 1 new species of Collembola from China
Plecoptera: 3 new species of Plecoptera from Brazil
Coleoptera: 1 new genus and 3 new species of Coleoptera

19/11/2010  12 new taxa are described in papers published today
Annelida: 1 new species of Annelida 
Acanthocephala: 1 new species of Acanthocephala
Myriapoda: 1 new species of Myriapoda
Platyhelminthes: 1 new genus  and 1 new species of Platyhelminthes 
Amphibia: 2 new species of Amphibia
Acari:  3 new species of Acari
Araneae: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Araneae

18/11/2010  6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Annelida: 4 new species of Annelida 
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea 

17/11/2010  26 new taxa are described in papers published today
Lepidoptera: 1 new genus  and 18 new species of Lepidoptera 
Coleoptera: 2 new genera and 5 new species of Coleoptera

16/11/2010  6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 2 new
genera and 2 new species of Crustacea
Acari:  1 new species of Acari
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces

15/11/2010  5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new family of Crustacea

Reptilia: 1 new genus  and 1 new species of Reptilia
Mollusca: 2 new species of Mollusca

12/11/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  1  new species of  Hemiptera 
Hymenoptera: 5 new species of Hymenoptera
Coleoptera: 1 new genus  and 1 new species of Coleoptera

11/11/2010  15 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  1 new genus  and 7 new species of  Hemiptera 
Hymenoptera: 5 new species of Hymenoptera
Odonata: 2 new species of Odonata 

10/11/2010  21 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea from Spain
Nematoda: 3 new genera and 7 new species of Nematoda
Pisces: 2 new species of Pisces

Acari:  3 new species of Acari
Mollusca: 3 new species of Mollusca
Coelenterata: 1 new species of Coelenterata from Norway

9/11/2010  4 new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 2 new species of Reptilia
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Coelenterata: 1 new species of Coelenterata

8/11/2010  23 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 4 new species of Diptera
Hymenoptera: 15 new species of Hymenoptera
Orthoptera: 2 new species of Orthoptera
Neuroptera: 1 new species of Neuroptera from China
Isoptera: 1 new species of Isoptera

5/11/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 4 new species of Diptera
Hemiptera:  1 new species of  Hemiptera 
Trichoptera: 1 new species of Trichoptera
Hymenoptera: 2 new species of Hymenoptera

4/11/2010  3 new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia from Argentina
Myriapoda: 1 new species of Myriapoda from China

Porifera: 1 new species of Porifera

3/11/2010  10 new taxa are described in papers published today
Annelida: 1 new species of Annelida 

Acari:  5 new species of Acari
Tardigrada: 4 new species of Tardigrada

2/11/2010  24 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  1 new species of  Hemiptera from China
Orthoptera: 2 new genera and 21 new species of Orthoptera

1/11/2010  6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 2 new species of Coleoptera from China
Neuroptera: 1 new species of Neuroptera from China
Diptera: 1 new species of Diptera
Collembola: 2 new species of Collembola

29/10/2010  17 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 2 new species of Diptera
Orthoptera: 1 new genus  of Orthoptera
Hemiptera:  2 new genera and 5 new species of  Hemiptera 
Coleoptera: 1 new subgenus  and 6 new species of Coleoptera 

28/10/2010  5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Amphibia: 3 new species of Amphibia
Gastrotricha: 2 new species of Gastrotricha

27/10/2010  26 new taxa are described in papers published today
Trichoptera: 19 new species of Trichoptera 
Coleoptera: 7 new species of Coleoptera 

26/10/2010  11 new taxa are described in papers published today
Mollusca: 1 new genus  and 6 new species of Mollusca
Crustacea: 1 new genus  and 2 new species of Crustacea
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia

25/10/2010  11 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 3 new species of Diptera
Echinodermata: 1 new genus  and 5 new species of Echinodermata
Pisces: 2 new species of Pisces

22/10/2010  14 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 3 new species of Diptera
Hymenoptera: 3 new species of Hymenoptera
Hemiptera:  5 new species of  Hemiptera from China
Trichoptera: 3 new species of Trichoptera from Brazil

21/10/2010  16 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 2 new species of Diptera from China
Orthoptera: 1 new species  of Orthoptera from Venezuela
Hemiptera:  3 new species of  Hemiptera 
Crustacea: 1 new genus  and 5 new species of Crustacea
Platyhelminthes: 3 new species of Platyhelminthes 
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia from Laos

20/10/2010  13 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  12 new species of  Hemiptera 
Diptera: 1 new species of Diptera

19/10/2010  14 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  3 new species of Acari
Amphibia: 2 new species of Amphibia
Araneae: 1 new genus  and 6 new species of Araneae
Platyhelminthes: 1 new species of Platyhelminthes 
Protozoa: 1 new species of Protozoa

18/10/2010  17 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  13 new species of Acari
Hymenoptera: 1 new species of Hymenoptera
Diptera: 1 new species of Diptera
Myriapoda: 2 new species of Myriapoda

15/10/2010  2 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  1 new species of Acari
Annelida: 1 new genus of Annelida 

14/10/2010  19 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hymenoptera: 13 new species of Hymenoptera
Diptera: 1 new genus  and 2 new species of Diptera
Acari:  3 new species of Acari

13/10/2010  12 new taxa are described in papers published today
Collembola: 1 new species of Collembola from China
Hemiptera:  3 new species of  Hemiptera from New Zealand
Hymenoptera: 5 new species of Hymenoptera
Coleoptera: 1 new genus of Coleoptera 
Thysanoptera: 1 new species of Thysanoptera
Diptera: 1 new species of Diptera

12/10/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea
Nematoda: 4 new species of Nematoda
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Araneae: 1 new species of Araneae

11/10/2010  20 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera 
Hemiptera:  1 new genus and 8 new species of  Hemiptera 
Hymenoptera: 4 new species of Hymenoptera
Trichoptera: 5 new species of Trichoptera
Diptera: 1 new subgenus of Diptera

8/10/2010  5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Annelida: 1 new genus and 2 new species of Annelida 

7/10/2010  6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Ephemeroptera: 1 new species of Ephemeroptera 
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera
Diplura: 2 new species of  Diplura
Collembola: 2 new species of Collembola

6/10/2010  13 new taxa are described in papers published today
Mammalia: 1 new species of Mammalia
Araneae: 1 new genus of Araneae
Diptera: 1 new subgenus of Diptera
Thysanoptera: 1 new species of Thysanoptera
Trichoptera: 9 new species of Trichoptera

5/10/2010  7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Crustacea
Araneae: 5 new species of Araneae from China

4/10/2010  23 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new family and 3 new species of Crustacea
Mammalia: 1 new species of Mammalia
Mollusca: 1 new species of Mollusca
Coleoptera: 12 new species of Coleoptera
Hemiptera:  2 new species of  Hemiptera 
Orthoptera: 2 new genera  of Orthoptera
Blattodea: 1 new species of Blattodea

1/10/2010  10 new taxa are described in papers published today
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia from Brazil
Araneae: 8 new species of Araneae from China

30/09/2010  5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  2 new species of Acari
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea
Nematoda: 1 new species of Nematoda
Myriapoda: 1 new species of Myriapoda

29/09/2010  34 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 4 new species of Diptera
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera from China
Hymenoptera: 1 new species of Hymenoptera
Araneae: 1 new genus and 27 new species of Araneae

28/09/2010  4 new taxa are described in papers published today
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces

Acari:  3 new species of Acari

27/09/2010  18 new taxa are described in papers published today
Collembola: 6 new species of Collembola from China
Orthoptera: 1 new species of Orthoptera from Romania
Diptera: 6 new species of Diptera from Iran
Crustacea: 4 new species of Crustacea
Araneae: 1 new species of Araneae

24/09/2010  9 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  5 new species of Acari
Crustacea: 3 new species of Crustacea from Australia
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia

23/09/2010  15 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  1 new species of  Hemiptera 
Lepidoptera: 1 new species and 3 new subspecies of Lepidoptera
Hymenoptera: 1 new species of Hymenoptera
Diptera: 1 new species of Diptera 
Crustacea: 8 new species of Crustacea

22/09/2010  24 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  10 new species of  Hemiptera 
Hymenoptera: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Hymenoptera
Coleoptera: 1 new genus and 10 new species of Coleoptera
Thysanoptera: 1 new species of Thysanoptera

21/09/2010  18 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  2 new genera and 5 new species of  Hemiptera 
Diptera: 5 new species of Diptera 
Coleoptera: 4 new species of Coleoptera from China
Protura: 2 new species of Protura

20/09/2010  22 new taxa are described in papers published today
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia from Brazil
Araneae: 1 new species of Araneae
Acari:  1 new species of Acari
Trichoptera: 15 new species of Trichoptera from Indonesia
Diptera: 4 new species of Diptera 

17/09/2010  18 new taxa are described in papers published today
Amphibia: 2 new species of Amphibia
Myriapoda: 9 new species of Myriapoda
Porifera: 2 new species of Porifera
Coelenterata: 2 new species of Coelenterata
Pisces: 3 new species of Pisces

16/09/2010  11 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hymenoptera: 5 new species of Hymenoptera
Hemiptera:  1 new species of  Hemiptera 
Plecoptera: 2 new species of Plecoptera
Diptera: 3 new species of Diptera 

15/09/2010  13 new taxa are described in papers published today
Araneae: 1 new genus and 7 new species of Araneae
Crustacea: 1 new genus 2 new species of Crustacea
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces

14/09/2010  6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  1 new family, 1 new genus and 1 new species of Acari
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia
Nematoda: 2 new species of Nematoda

13/09/2010  19 new taxa are described in papers published today
Lepidoptera: 6 new species of Lepidoptera from China
Collembola: 1 new species of Collembola from Itally
Echinodermata: 6 new species of Echinodermata from Thailand and Malaysia
Blattodea: 6 new species of Blattodea from China

10/09/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hymenoptera: 2 new species of Hymenoptera
Diptera: 4 new species of Diptera 
Trichoptera: 1 new species of Trichoptera
Hemiptera:  1new species of  Hemiptera 

9/09/2010  27 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hymenoptera: 16 new species of Hymenoptera
Hemiptera:  1 new genus and 1 new species of  Hemiptera 
Mollusca: 1 new genus and 5 new species of Mollusca

Acari:  2 new species of Acari
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia

8/09/2010  13 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hymenoptera: 1 new subfamily, 1 new genus and 6 new species of Hymenoptera
Collembola: 1 new species of Collembola
Odonata: 2 new species of Odonata 
Orthoptera: 2 new species of Orthoptera

7/09/2010  5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 3 new species of Crustacea
Araneae: 1 new species of Araneae
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia

6/09/2010  5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Annelida: 1 new genus and 2 new species of Annelida 
Mollusca: 1 new species of Mollusca
Porifera: 1 new species of Porifera

3/09/2010  1 new taxon is described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  1 new species of  Hemiptera 

2/09/2010  14 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  2 new genera and 10 new species of  Hemiptera 
Coleoptera: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Coleoptera 

1/09/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  3 new genera and 1 new species of Acari
Pisces: 5 new species of Pisces

31/08/2010  346 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 1 new subfamily, 6 new genera and 45 new species of Diptera 
Trichoptera: 39 new species of Trichoptera
Lepidoptera: 1 new subfamily, 2 new tribes, 19 new genera, 77 new species and 1 new subspecies of Lepidoptera
Coleoptera: 47 new species of Coleoptera 
Acari:  1 new genus, 6 new species and 11 new subspecies of Acari
Araneae: 2 new genera and 68 new species of Araneae
Coelenterata: 1 new species of Coelenterata
Hymenoptera: 19 new species of Hymenoptera

30/08/2010  1 new taxon is described in papers published today
Mammalia: 1 new species of Mammalia

27/08/2010  7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia
Araneae: 2 new species of Araneae
Crustacea: 1 new subgenus and 1 new species of Crustacea

Acari:  1 new genus and 1new species of Acari

26/08/2010  4 new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Mollusca: 2  new species of Mollusca

25/08/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 8 new species of Reptilia

24/08/2010  6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 2 new species of Coleoptera 
Diptera: 2 new species of Diptera 
Hemiptera:  2 new species of  Hemiptera 

23/08/2010  9 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 4 new species of Coleoptera 
Amphibia: 5 new species of Amphibia

20/08/2010  16 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hymenoptera: 1 new species of Hymenoptera from Spain
Coleoptera: 15 new species of Coleoptera from China

19/08/2010  20 new taxa are described in papers published today
Echinodermata: 1 new genus and 13 new species of Echinodermata
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Myriapoda: 2 new genera and 2 new species of Myriapoda
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces

18/08/2010  7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia
Crustacea: 1 new genus and 2 new species of Crustacea
Coelenterata: 3 new species of Coelenterata

17/08/2010  4 new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 1 new genus and 3 new species of Reptilia

16/08/2010  9 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new genus and 2 new species of Crustacea
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Myriapoda: 1 new genus and 3 new species of Myriapoda
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia

13/08/2010  9 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  1 new genus and 3 new species and of  Hemiptera 
Orthoptera: 4 new species of Orthoptera
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera 

12/08/2010  10 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  2 new species and of  Hemiptera 
Orthoptera: 6 new species and 1 new subspecies of Orthoptera
Blattodea: 1 new species of Blattodea

11/08/2010  13 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new family and 10 new species of Crustacea
Tardigrada: 1 new species of Tardigrada
Araneae: 1 new species of Araneae

10/08/2010  25 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hymenoptera: 14 new species of Hymenoptera 
Coleoptera: 2 new species of Coleoptera 
Lepidoptera: 1 new genus and 3 new species of Lepidoptera
Thysanoptera: 2 new species of Thysanoptera
Neuroptera: 3 new species of Neuroptera 

9/08/2010  7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Araneae: 4 new species of Araneae from China
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces from Australia
Ascidiacea: 2 new species of Ascidiacea

6/08/2010  16 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  6 new species and of  Hemiptera 
Diptera: 3 new species of Diptera 
Ephemeroptera: 1 new species of Ephemeroptera 
Trichoptera: 6 new species of Trichoptera

5/08/2010  11 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  1 new species and of  Hemiptera 
Orthoptera: 5 new species and 1 new subspecies of Orthoptera
Lepidoptera: 4 new species of Lepidoptera from China

4/08/2010  7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new genus and 2 new species of Crustacea
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces

Acari:  1 new species of Acari
Myriapoda: 2 new species of Myriapoda

3/08/2010  5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea
Pisces: 3 new species of Pisces

2/08/2010  10 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  1 new genus and 4 new species of Acari
Crustacea: 1 new genus and 2 new species of Crustacea
Diptera: 2 new species of Diptera 

30/07/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Annelida: 1 new genus and 3 new species of Annelida 

Acari:  3 new species of Acari
Aves: 1 new family of Aves 

29/07/2010  20 new taxa are described in papers published today
Mammalia: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Mammalia
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea
Annelida: 3 new species of Annelida 
Hymenoptera: 5 new species of Hymenoptera 
Diptera: 1 new subgenus, 5 new species of Diptera 
Collembola: 1 new species of Collembola
Coleoptera: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Coleoptera 

28/07/2010  1 new taxon are described in papers published today
Mammalia: 1 new species of Mammalia

27/07/2010  7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Bryozoa: 4 new species of Bryozoa

26/07/2010  17 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 2 new genera and 8 new species of Crustacea
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Trichoptera: 6 new species of Trichoptera

23/07/2010  9 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  1 new genus and 6 new species of Acari
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea

22/07/2010  10 new taxa are described in papers published today
Orthoptera: 3 new species of Orthoptera
Neuroptera: 2 new species of Neuroptera 
Coleoptera: 3 new species of Coleoptera 
Blattodea: 1 new species of Blattodea
Diptera: 1 new species of Diptera 

21/07/2010  11 new taxa are described in papers published today
Orthoptera: 2 new genera and 6 new species of Orthoptera
Hemiptera:  2 new species and of  Hemiptera 
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia

20/07/2010  12 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera:  4 new species of Diptera 
Orthoptera: 3 new species of Orthoptera
Coleoptera: 2 new species of Coleoptera 
Collembola: 3 new species of Collembola

19/07/2010  22 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera:  1 new genus and 5 new species of Diptera 
Acari:  11 new species of Acari
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea
Orthoptera: 4 new species of Orthoptera

16/07/2010  29 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 2 new genera and 16 new species of Coleoptera 
Diptera:  2 new species of Diptera 
Mollusca: 1 new subfamily, 4 new species and 4 new subspecies of Mollusca

15/07/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces

Acari:  2 new species of Acari
Platyhelminthes: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Platyhelminthes 
Ascidiacea: 3 new species of Ascidiacea

14/07/2010  13 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 4 new species of Diptera 
Ephemeroptera: 1 new species of Ephemeroptera 
Crustacea: 4 new species of Crustacea
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Bryozoa: 1 new genus and 2 new species of Bryozoa

13/07/2010  7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Araneae: 5 new species of Araneae from Australia
Pisces: 2 new species of Pisces

12/07/2010  26 new taxa are described in papers published today
Nematomorpha: 7 new species of Nematomorpha
Crustacea: 5 new species of Crustacea
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces

Acari:  1 new genus and 1 new species of Acari
Bryozoa: 1 new genus and 10 new species of Bryozoa from New Zealand

9/07/2010  14 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:   4 new species and of  Hemiptera 
Coleoptera: 4 new species of Coleoptera 
Odonata: 3 new species of Odonata 
Diptera: 3 new species of Diptera 

8/07/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  2 new genera and  4 new species and of  Hemiptera 
Coleoptera: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Coleoptera 

7/07/2010  3 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera 
Raphidioptera: 2 new species of Raphidioptera

6/07/2010  6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea
Echinodermata: 3 new species of Echinodermata

5/07/2010  25 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  1 new species of Acari
Araneae: 1 new genus and 5 new species of Araneae from Australia
Mollusca: 8 new species of Mollusca
Hemiptera:  1 new species of  Hemiptera from Nigeria
Coleoptera: 7 new species of Coleoptera 
Orthoptera: 1 new species of Orthoptera from China
Ephemeroptera: 1  new species of Ephemeroptera from China

2/07/2010  4 new taxa are described in papers published today
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces

Acari:  1 new genus and 1 new species of Acari
Annelida: 1 new species of Annelida 

1/07/2010  18 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  10 new species of  Hemiptera 
Lepidoptera: 5 new species of Lepidoptera
Diptera: 3 new species of Diptera 

30/06/2010  23 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera:  1 new genus, 5 new species and 1 new subspecies of  Hemiptera 
Hymenoptera: 13 new species of Hymenoptera 
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera 
Neuroptera: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Neuroptera 

29/06/2010  5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Acari:  4 new species of Acari

28/06/2010  16 new taxa are described in papers published today
Pisces: 1 new genus and 2 new species of Pisces
Lepidoptera: 5 new genera and 8 new species of Lepidoptera

25/06/2010  4 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new subgenus and 1 new species of Crustacea
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Coelenterata: 1 new species of Coelenterata

24/06/2010  17 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 1 new genus and 3 new species of Coleoptera 
Diptera: 3 new species of Diptera 
Hemiptera: 1 new genus and 2 new species of  Hemiptera 
Hymenoptera: 3 new species of Hymenoptera 
Odonata: 4 new species of Odonata 

23/06/2010  17 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera 
Diptera: 1 new genus and 8 new species of Diptera 
Hemiptera: 4 new species of  Hemiptera 
Hymenoptera: 1 new species of Hymenoptera 
Collembola: 2 new species of Collembola

22/06/2010  7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Acari:  1 new genus and 3 new species of Acari
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Echinodermata: 1 new species of Echinodermata

21/06/2010  41 new taxa are described in papers published today
Lepidoptera: 13 new species of Lepidoptera from China
Coleoptera: 11 new species of Coleoptera from China
Diptera: 2 new species of Diptera  from Vietnam
Hemiptera: 2 new species of  Hemiptera 
Hymenoptera: 1 new species of Hymenoptera 
Collembola: 1 new genus and 11 new species of Collembola

18/06/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea
Lepidoptera: 6 new species of Lepidoptera 
Hemiptera: 1 new species of  Hemiptera 

17/06/2010  6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea
Platyhelminthes: 2 new species of Platyhelminthes 
Nematoda: 1 new species of Nematoda
Annelida: 1 new species of Annelida 

16/06/2010  17 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 8 new species of Coleoptera
Diptera: 1 new species of Diptera  from Algeria
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea
Araneae: 1 new species of Araneae
Opiliones: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Opiliones 
Hymenoptera: 4 new species of Hymenoptera 

15/06/2010  12 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 5 new species of Coleoptera from China and Brazil
Orthoptera: 6 new species of Orthoptera from China and Italy
Lepidoptera: 1 new species of Lepidoptera from Colombia

14/06/2010  20 new taxa are described in papers published today
Nematoda: 5 new species of Nematoda from Singapore
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia
Acari:  1 new genus and 1 new species of Acari
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Pisces: 9 new species of Pisces

11/06/2010  13 new taxa are described in papers published today
Blattodea: 2 new species of Blattodea from China
Hemiptera: 1 new species of  Hemiptera from China
Diptera: 5 new species of Diptera 
Lepidoptera: 1 new species of Lepidoptera
Coleoptera: 3 new species of Coleoptera
Odonata: 1 new species of Odonata 

10/06/2010  6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia
Acari:  1 new genus of Acari
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Araneae: 2 new species of Araneae

09/06/2010  13 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hymenoptera: 2 new genera and 6 new species of Hymenoptera 
Hemiptera: 1 new species of  Hemiptera 
Collembola: 1 new genus of Collembola
Crustacea: 3 new species of Crustacea

08/06/2010  13 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hymenoptera: 11 new species of Hymenoptera 
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera
Plecoptera: 1 new species of Plecoptera

07/06/2010  7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Amphibia: 2 new species of Amphibia
Hemiptera: 3 new species of  Hemiptera 
Diptera: 1 new subgenus and 1 new species of Diptera 

04/06/2010  5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Araneae: 1 new species of Araneae
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Acari:  2 new species of Acari
Coelenterata: 1 new species of Coelenterata

03/06/2010  2 new taxa are described in papers published today
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
1 new species of Scorpiones

02/06/2010  9 new taxa are described in papers published today
Araneae: 2 new species of Araneae from China
Pseudoscorpiones:  1 new subfamily, 1 new genus and 1 new species of Pseudoscorpiones
Amphibia: 2 new species of Amphibia
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea

01/06/2010  9 new taxa are described in papers published today
Lepidoptera: 2 new species of Lepidoptera from China
Ephemeroptera: 1 new genus and 2 new species of Ephemeroptera 
Hemiptera: 1 new species of  Hemiptera 
Diptera: 1 new species of Diptera 
Hymenoptera: 1 new species of Hymenoptera 
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera

31/05/2010  10 new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 2 new genera and 1 new species of Reptilia
Araneae: 1 new species of Araneae
Mollusca: 1 new species of Mollusca
1 new species of Scorpiones
Platyhelminthes: 1 new genus and 3 new species of Platyhelminthes 

28/05/2010  7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera: 1 new genus and 5 new species of  Hemiptera 
Hymenoptera: 1 new species of Hymenoptera 

27/05/2010  20 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 4 new species of Diptera 
Hemiptera: 1 new genus and 4 new species of  Hemiptera
Coleoptera: 6 new species of Coleoptera from Spain
Lepidoptera: 1 new genus and 4 new species of Lepidoptera 

26/05/2010  4 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera: 3 new species of  Hemiptera from China
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera from Spain

25/05/2010  7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemichordata: 5 new species of Hemichordata
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Araneae: 1 new species of Araneae

24/05/2010  19 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  4 new species of Acari
Crustacea: 5 new species of Crustacea
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Ephemeroptera: 2 new genera and 4 new species of Ephemeroptera 
Hemiptera: 1 new genus and 2 new species of  Hemiptera 

21/05/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Neuroptera: 1 new genus and 3 new species of Neuroptera from China
Mecoptera: 1 new species of Mecoptera from Thailand
Collembola: 2 new species of Collembola from Brazil
Hymenoptera: 1 new species of Hymenoptera 

20/05/2010  27 new taxa are described in papers published today
Pisces: 11 new species of Pisces

Acari:  1 new genus and 3 new species of Acari
Crustacea: 9 new species of Crustacea
Myriapoda: 1 new genus and 2 new species of Myriapoda

19/05/2010  10 new taxa are described in papers published today
Scorpione : 1 new species of Scorpione 
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Nematoda: 1 new species of Nematoda
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea
Myriapoda: 1 new subfamily, 1 new genus and 4 new species of Myriapoda

18/05/2010  13 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hymenoptera: 2 new genera and 2 new species of Hymenoptera 
Trichoptera: 2 new species of Trichoptera
Coleoptera: 6 new species of Coleoptera
Orthoptera: 1 new species of Orthoptera 

17/05/2010  15 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  13 new species of Acari from Australian
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces

14/05/2010  234 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 21 new species of Diptera 
Hymenoptera: 1 new genus and 16 new species of Hymenoptera 
Trichoptera: 33 new species of Trichoptera from China
Coleoptera: 116 new species of Coleoptera
Mollusca: 1 new genus of Mollusca
Araneae: 6 new species of Araneae 
Acari:  8 new species of Acari
Hemiptera: 2 8 new species of  Hemiptera 
Lepidoptera: 3 new genera and 1 new species of Lepidoptera 

13/05/2010  15 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 7 new species of Diptera 
Lepidoptera: 3 new species of Lepidoptera 
Orthoptera: 1 new species of Orthoptera 
Hymenoptera: 1 new species of Hymenoptera 
Neuroptera: 3 new species of Neuroptera 

12/05/2010  10 new taxa are described in papers published today
Araneae: 2 new species of Araneae from China
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces

Acari:  1 new genus and 4 new species of Acari
Reptilia: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Reptilia

11/05/2010  4 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera: 4 new species of  Hemiptera 

10/05/2010  4 new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 2 new species of Reptilia
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea

07/05/2010  18 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera: 3 new genera and 8 new species of  Hemiptera 
Diptera: 2 new species of Diptera 
Collembola: 2 new species of Collembola
Echinodermata: 2 new genus 1 new species of Echinodermata

06/05/2010  6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 3 new species of Reptilia
Myriapoda: 1  new species of Myriapoda
Mollusca: 1 new species of Mollusca
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia

05/05/2010  15 new taxa are described in papers published today
Araneae: 10 new species of Araneae from China
Acari:  2 new species of Acari form China
Platyhelminthes: 2 new species of Platyhelminthes 
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces

04/05/2010  20 new taxa are described in papers published today
Lepidoptera: 1 new species of Lepidoptera from China
Coleoptera: 1 new genus and 16 new species of Coleoptera
Collembola: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Collembola

03/05/2010  15 new taxa are described in papers published today
Araneae: 10 new species of Araneae
Acari:  4 new species of Acari form China
Platyhelminthes: 1 new species of Platyhelminthes 

30/04/2010  9 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 5 new species of Coleoptera
Diptera: 3 new species of Diptera 
Hymenoptera: 1 new species of Hymenoptera 

29/04/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Araneae: 5 new species of Araneae from China
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea

28/04/2010  8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coelenterata: 1 new family, 1 new genus and 1 new species of Coelenterata
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea
Amphibia: 2 new species of Amphibia

27/04/2010  12 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera
Hymenoptera: 9 new species of Hymenoptera 
Odonata: 1 new species of Odonata 
Ephemeroptera: 1 new species of Ephemeroptera 

26/04/2010  16 new taxa are described in papers published today
Trichoptera: 6 new species of Trichoptera
Psocoptera: 9 new species of Psocoptera
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera

23/04/2010  35 new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 3 new species of Reptilia
Trichoptera: 32 new species of Trichoptera

22/04/2010  2 new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 2 new species of Reptilia

21/04/2010  4 new taxa are described in papers published today
Thysanoptera: 1 new species of Thysanoptera
Coleoptera: 3 new species of Coleoptera

20/04/2010  11 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 5 new species of Diptera 
Orthoptera: 3 new species of Orthoptera 
Psocoptera: 3 new species of Psocoptera

19/04/2010  11 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new genus and 5 new species of Crustacea

Acari:  2 new species of Acari
Nemertea:  1 new species of Nemertea
Pisces: 2 new species of Pisces

16/04/2010  9 new taxa are described in papers published today
Trichoptera: 4 new species of Trichoptera from China
Hymenoptera: 1 new species of Hymenoptera 
Diptera: 1 new genus and 2 new species of Diptera 
Hemiptera: 1 new species of  Hemiptera 

15/04/2010  5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Platyhelminthes: 2 new species of Platyhelminthes 
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea
Araneae: 1 new species of Araneae 

14/04/2010  1 new taxon are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea

13/04/2010  18 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera: 10 new species of  Hemiptera 
Hymenoptera: 1 new species of Hymenoptera from Brazil
Odonata: 1 new species of Odonata from Brazil
Diptera: 4 new species of Diptera 

12/04/2010  18 new taxa are described in papers published today
Thysanoptera: 2 new species of Thysanoptera

Coleoptera: 11 new species of Coleoptera
Orthoptera: 4 new species of Orthoptera 
Diptera: 1 new species of Diptera 

09/04/2010  3 new taxa are described in papers published today
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Platyhelminthes: 1 new species of Platyhelminthes 
Porifera: 1 new species of Porifera

08/04/2010  11 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 5 new species of Diptera from Brazil
Hemiptera: 1 new genus  and 1 new species of  Hemiptera from Pakistan
Orthoptera: 1 new subfamily and 1 new species of Orthoptera from Korea
Neuroptera: 2 new species of Neuroptera

07/04/2010  21 new taxa are described in papers published today
Mecoptera: 2 new species of Mecoptera from China
Hemiptera: 1 new genus  and 1 new species of  Hemiptera from China
Trichoptera: 13 new species of Trichoptera from Australia
Coleoptera: 3 new species of Coleoptera from India
Diptera: 1 new species of Diptera from Brazil

06/04/2010  5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Araneae: 3 new species of Araneae 
Pisces: 1 a new species from the Western Indian Ocean
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia from Malaysia

02/04/2010  11 new taxa are described in papers published today
Orthoptera: 2 new genera and 5 new species of Orthoptera from Australia
Diptera: 1 new species of Diptera from Madagascar
Hemiptera: 1 new genus  and 2 new species of  Hemiptera

01/04/2010  5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Aves: 2 new genera of Aves 
Mollusca: 2 new species of Mollusca 

31/03/2010  24 new taxa are described in papers published today
Trichoptera: 2 new genera and 13 new species of Trichoptera from Australia
Mantodea: 1 new genus  and 2 new species of Mantodea 
Coleoptera: 4 new species of Coleoptera 
Hemiptera: 2 new species of  Hemiptera

30/03/2010  2 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea
Araneae: 1 new species of Araneae 

29/03/2010  11 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 1 new species of Diptera from Canada
Lepidoptera: 2 new species of Lepidoptera from Bhutan
Odonata: 2 new species of Odonata from Malaysia
Reptilia: 1 new genus  and 2 new species of Reptilia
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Acari:  1 new species of Acari
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea

26/03/2010  10 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera: 2 new genus  and 7 new species of  Hemiptera
Blattodea: 1 new species of Blattodea from Brazil

25/03/2010  5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Orthoptera:2  new species of Orthoptera
Collembola: 1 new species of Collembola from China
Hymenoptera: 1 new species of Hymenoptera
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera 

24/03/2010 16 new taxa are described in papers published today 
Amphibia: 2 new species of Amphibia
Hemichordata: 3 new genus 6 new species of Hemichordata
Crustacea: 3 new species of Crustacea

Acari:  1 new species of Acariformes
Mammalia: 1 new species of Mammalia

23/03/2010 6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Amphibia: 2 new species of Amphibia
Annelida: 3  new species of Annelida 
Ascidiacea: 1 new species of Ascidiacea

22/03/2010 6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 5 new species of Crustacea
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces

19/03/2010 4 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera 
Acari:  1 new species of Acariformes
Reptilia: 1 new genus  and 1 new species of Reptilia

18/03/2010 12  new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 1 new genus  2  new species of Diptera 
Hemiptera: 1 new genus  and 4 new species of  Hemiptera

17/03/2010 9  new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 5  new species of Diptera 
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera 
Lepidoptera: 3 new species of Lepidoptera

16/03/2010 15 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera: 1 new genus  and 4 new species of  Hemiptera
Diptera: 1 new genus  and 2  new species of Diptera 
Coleoptera: 2 genus  and 5new species of Coleoptera 

15/03/2010 8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Echinodermata: 2 new species of Echinodermata
Myriapoda: 2 new species of Myriapoda 

Acari:  1 new species of Acariformes
Araneae: 1 new species of Araneae from China
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea
Scorpione : 1 new species of Scorpione from China

12/03/2010 19 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 4 new genus  and 12  new species of Diptera 
Coleoptera: 2 new species of Coleoptera 
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea 

11/03/2010 7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Amphibia: 2 new species of Amphibia
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia
Platyhelminthes: 4 new species of Platyhelminthes from Sweden

10/03/2010 4 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea from China
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Annelida: 2  new species of Annelida 

09/03/2010 8  new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 3 new species of Reptilia
Acari:  1 new species of Acariformes
Hemiptera: 3 new species of  Hemiptera 
Tardigrada: 1 new species of Tardigrada

08/03/2010 11 new taxa are described in papers published today
Araneae: 1 new genus  and 3  new species of Araneae
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia
Ascidiacea: 1 new species of Ascidiacea
1 new family, 1 new subgenus and 1 new species of Gastrotricha
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea 

05/03/2010 20 new taxa are described in papers published today
Annelida: 4  new species of Annelida 
Reptilia: 2 new species of Reptilia
Crustacea: 3 new species of Crustacea 
Mollusca: 11 new species of Mollusca

04/03/2010 6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hymenoptera: 3 new species of Hymenoptera
Odonata: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Odonata from China
Hemiptera: 1 new species of  Hemiptera from China

03/03/2010 20 new taxa are described in papers published today
Odonata: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Odonata from China
Coleoptera: 1 new genus and 3 new species of Coleoptera 
Diptera: 4 new species of Diptera from New Zealand
Hymenoptera: 8 new species of Hymenoptera
Hemiptera: 1 new species of  Hemiptera 
Isoptera: 1 new species of Isoptera

02/03/2010 12 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 3 new species of Diptera 
Neuroptera: 3 new species of Neuroptera
Orthoptera: 6  new species of Orthoptera

01/03/2010 31 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hymenoptera: 12 new species of Hymenoptera
Odonata: 7 new species of Odonata

Collembola: 1 new species of Collembola
Myriapoda: 1 new subfamily, 10 new species of Myriapoda

26/02/2010 147 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 12 new genera and 49 new species of Crustacea 
Diptera: 32 new species of Diptera 
Araneae: 21 new species of Araneae
Hymenoptera: 6 new species of Hymenoptera
Mammalia: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Mammalia
Amphibia: 10 new species of Amphibia
Coleoptera: 2 new genera and 13 new species of Coleoptera 

25/02/2010 37 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1  new family and 10 new species of Crustacea 

Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia from Thailand
Myriapoda: 25  new species of Myriapoda from Australia

24/02/2010 22 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 5 new species of Diptera 
Hemiptera: 1 new genus and 3 new species of  Hemiptera 
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera 
Araneae: 12 new species of Araneae from China

23/02/2010 23 new taxa are described in papers published today
Lepidoptera: 17 new species of Lepidoptera
Hemiptera: 4 new species of  Hemiptera 
Diptera: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Diptera from Vietnam

22/02/2010 6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Hemiptera: 2 new species of  Hemiptera 
Plecoptera: 4 new species of Plecoptera

19/02/2010 6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Neuroptera: 4 new species of Neuroptera from China
Reptilia: 2 new species of Reptilia

18/02/2010 7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Nematoda: 1 new species of Nematoda from China
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea from Australia
Araneae: 5 new species of Araneae

17/02/2010 8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Scorpione : 1 new species of Scorpione from China
Myriapoda: 4  new species of Myriapoda from Thailand
Coelenterata: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Coelenterata
Annelida: 1 new species of Annelida from Egypt

16/02/2010 5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 2 new species of Coleoptera from China
Hymenoptera: 3 new species of Hymenoptera from Panama

15/02/2010 10 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 5  new species of Coleoptera
Diptera: 2 new species of Diptera from China
Hemiptera: 1 new genus and 1 new species of  Hemiptera from China
Odonata: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Odonata from China

12/02/2010 2 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 2  new species of Coleoptera

11/02/2010 18 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 15 new species of Coleoptera
Diptera: 3 new species of Diptera

10/02/2010 28 new taxa are described in papers published today
Araneae: 8 new species of Araneae from China
Acari:  1 new genus and 9 new species of Acariformes New Zealand
Mollusca: 8 new species of Mollusca
Crustacea: 1 new family and 1 new species of Crustacea

9/02/2010 7 new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia
Acari:  3 new species of Acari
Crustacea: 1 new species and 1 new subspecies of Crustacea
Aves: 1 new subspecies of Aves

8/02/2010 12 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 1 new genus and 5 new species of Coleoptera
Neuroptera: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Neuroptera 
Blattodea: 1 new genus and 1 new species of Blattodea
Hemiptera: 1 new genus and 1 new species of  Hemiptera

5/02/2010 9 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new genus and 5 new species of Crustacea from China
Annelida: 1 new species of Annelida from Australia
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia from Vietnam
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces

4/02/2010 10 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 2 new species of Coleoptera
Hemiptera: 1 new genus and 6 new species of  Hemiptera
Collembola: 1 new species of Collembola

3/02/2010 13 new taxa are described in papers published today
Plecoptera: 1 new species of Plecoptera from China
Hemiptera: 3 new species of  Hemiptera from China
Diptera: 5 new species of Diptera
Coleoptera: 4 new species of Coleoptera

2/02/2010 6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new genus and 2 new species of Crustacea
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Nematoda: 2 new species of Nematoda

1/02/2010 8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Bryozoa: 1 new genus and 1 new  species of Bryozoa
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Platyhelminthes: 3 new species of Platyhelminthes from Australia
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea

29/01/2010 12 new taxa are described in papers published today
Lepidoptera: 3 new species of Lepidoptera
Coleoptera: 1 new genus and 7 new species of Coleoptera
Hemiptera: 1 new species of  Hemiptera

28/01/2010 4 new taxa are described in papers published today
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia from China
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia from Vietnam
Mollusca: 1 new species of Mollusca

27/01/2010 3 new taxa are described in papers published today
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea
Mammalia: 1 new species of Mammalia

26/01/2010 11 new taxa are described in papers published today
Diptera: 4 new species of Diptera
Hemiptera: 4 new species of  Hemiptera from China
Coleoptera: 3 new species of Coleoptera

25/01/2010 5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Tardigrada: 1 new species of Tardigrada
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea from Argentina
Mollusca: 2 new species of Mollusca from USA
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces from Brazil

22/01/2010 28 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  4 new genera and 8 new species of Acari
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces
Annelida: 2 new species of Annelida
Diptera: 5 new genera and 8 new species of Diptera

21/01/2010 5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea from China
Pisces: 1 new species of Pisces from USA
Amphibia: 3 new species of Amphibia from Africa

20/01/2010 2 new taxa are described in papers published today
Amphibia: 2 new species of Amphibia

19/01/2010 9 new taxa are described in papers published today
Trichoptera: 5 new species of Trichoptera from Madagascar
Coleoptera: 3 new species of Coleoptera
Diptera: 1 new species of Diptera

18/01/2010 10 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  2 new genera and 5 new species of Acari from Brazil
Amphibia: 1 new species of Amphibia from Brazil
Crustacea: 2 new species of Crustacea 

15/01/2010 5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia from China
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea from Mexico
Mammalia: 1 new species of Mammalia from Brazil
Araneae: 2 new species of Araneae from Brazil

14/01/2010 13 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 5 new species of Coleoptera from China
Hemiptera: 2 new species of  Hemiptera from China
Hymenoptera: 1 new genus and 4 new species of Hymenoptera
Psocoptera: 1 new species of Psocoptera

13/01/2010 2 new taxa are described in papers published today
Araneae: 2 new species of Araneae

12/01/2010 26 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 9 new species of Coleoptera
Diptera: 16 new species of Diptera
Collembola: 1 new species of Collembola

11/01/2010 6 new taxa are described in papers published today
Acari:  1 new species of Acari
Annelida: 2 new species of Annelida
Pisces: 2 new species of Pisces
Crustacea: 1 new species of Crustacea 

8/01/2010 3 new taxa are described in papers published today
Coleoptera: 1 new species of Coleoptera from New Zealand
Collembola: 2 new species of Collembola from USA

6/01/2010 10 new taxa are described in papers published today
Crustacea: 1 new family and 5 new species of Crustacea from Australia
Echinodermata: 1 new species of Echinodermata
Amphibia: 2 new species of Amphibia from Venezuela
Reptilia: 1 new species of Reptilia from Vietnam

5/01/2010 8 new taxa are described in papers published today
Orthoptera: 3  new species of Orthoptera from China
Coleoptera: 4 new species of Coleoptera
Isoptera: 1 new species of Isoptera

4/01/2010 5 new taxa are described in papers published today
Araneae: 4 new species of Araneae from China
Acari:  1 new species of Acari from Slovakia


                                                         ......new taxa in 2009, 2008, 2007


Copyright © 2001-2010 Magnolia Press
Published  on 24 Dec. 2010