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Type: Article
Published: 2017-11-16
Page range: 185–195
Abstract views: 75
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A new troglobiotic Protaphorura (Collembola, Hexapoda) from the Siberia, Russia

Department of Zoology, Institute of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University, Šrobárova 2, 041 54, Košice, Slovakia
Department of Zoology, Institute of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, P. J. Šafárik University, Šrobárova 2, 041 54, Košice, Slovakia
Institute of Entomology, Biology Centre AS CR v. v. i., Branišovská 31, 37005 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
Mining Institute of Ural, Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Sibirskaya 78a, 614007 Perm, Russia
Collembola obligate cave species body size DNA barcode cold caves Siberia


A new species of Protaphorura Absolon, 1901 (Collembola, Onychiuridae), P. cykini sp.nov., is described from a cold karst cave in the Irkutsk region, Siberia, Russia. It is an obligate cave species with the largest body size (4.3–5.6 mm) of all congeners. The species is further characteristic by the pseudocellar formula as 3(2)2/022/33343, high number of vesicles in postantennal organ (65–71) and subapical organite protected with two papillae. A partial sequence of cytochrome oxidase I (COI DNA barcoding marker) gene is used to verify the taxonomic status of the new species and the barcode sequence is compared with other congeners available in GenBank database. Distribution and diversity of cave Collembola of Siberia is discussed.



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