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Type: Article
Published: 2016-02-29
Page range: 540–556
Abstract views: 71
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Carnidae (Diptera) in the Canadian National Collection of Insects (Ottawa), with the description of five new species

Roter Weg 22, 26789 Leer, Germany.
Diptera Meoneura Hemeromyia Canada Argentina Lebanon new species


The previously unidentified Carnidae in the Canadian National Collection of Insects (Ottawa) have been investigated. All faunistic records of 26 species are presented in this paper. Hemeromyia alberichae spec. nov. (USA), Meoneura hobbitoides spec. nov. (USA), Meoneura swifti spec. nov. (USA), Meoneura tinkerbellae spec. nov. (Canada), and Meoneura yodai spec. nov. (Canada) are described. First records are reported for Argentina, Canada, and Lebanon.



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