#NEXUS [written Fri May 07 12:43:49 ACST 2021 by Mesquite version 3.61 (build 927) at LAPTOP-19PQ6LEL/] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa; DIMENSIONS NTAX=68; TAXLABELS Archaehierax_sylvestris Mairs_Cave_Taxon GWC_Taxon Taphaetus_lacertosus Threskiornis_spinicollis_ Ciconia_ciconia Coragyps_atratus_ Sagittarius_serpentarius_ Pandion_haliaetus Elanus_axillaris_ Elanus_scriptus_ Gampsonyx_swainsonii_ Chelictinia_ricourii Elanoides_forficatus_ Chondrohierax_uncinatus_ Aviceda_subcristata Pernis_apivorus_ Lophoictinia_isura Hamirostra_melanosternon Polyboroides_typus_ Gypaetus_barbatus Gypohierax_angolensis_ Neophron_percnopterus_ Pithecophaga_jeffreyi Spilornis_cheela_ Terathopius_ecuadatus_ Necrosyrtes_monachus_ Torgos_tracheliotus Trigonoceps_occipitalis Gyps_coprotheres_ Gyps_fulvus_ Aegypius_monachus_ Sarcogyps_calvus Harpia_harpyja Stephanoaetus_coronatus Aquila_audax_ Aquila_chrysaetos_ Hieraaetus_morphnoides Hieraaetus_fasciatus_ Hieraaetus_moorei Spizaetus_tyrannus_ Spizaetus_ornatus_ Haliaeetus_leucogaster_ Haliaeetus_leucocephalus_ Haliaeetus_albicilla_ Ictinia_mississippiensis__ Haliastur_indus_ Haliastur_sphenurus_ Milvus_migrans_ Kaupifalco_monogrammicus Melierax_metabates Circus_assimilis Circus_approximans_ Circus_cyaneus_ Circus_aeruginosus_ Accipiter_fasciatus_ Accipiter_cooperii_ Accipiter_striatus_ Accipiter_novaehollandiae_ Accipiter_cirrocephalus_ Accipiter_nisus_ Accipiter_gentilis_ Erythrotriorchis_radiatus Geranospiza_caerulescens Buteo_nitidus Buteo_rufofuscus_ Buteo_lagopus Buteo_buteo ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; TITLE Character_Matrix; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=300; FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD RESPECTCASE GAP = - MISSING = ? SYMBOLS = " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7"; CHARSTATELABELS 1 'Cranium, transverse ridge caudal to craniofacial hinge on frontal' / absent present, 2 'Cranium, depression in the os frontale' / absent present, 3 'Cranium, width of depression in the frontal' / narrow broad, 4 'Cranium, fusion of the lacrimal and frontal' / absent present, 5 'Cranium, processus supraorbitale lacrimale' / undifferentiated_from_frontal differentiated_from_frontal, 6 'Cranium, medial face of processus supraorbitale lacrimale' / connected_to_frontal free_from_frontal, 7 'Cranium, size of processus supraorbitale lacrimale ' / barely_evident short long, 8 'Cranium, ossa supraorbitalia' / absent small large, 9 'Cranium, shape of processus orbitalis lacrimale' / thin inflated, 10 'Cranium, lateral projection of processus orbitalis lacrimale ' / absent present_, 11 'Cranium, lateral concavity of processus orbitalis lacrimale' / absent present_but_not_accentuated present_and_accentuated, 12 'Cranium, rostromedial fenestra in processus supraorbitalis lacrimale' / absent 'present (as foramen)' 'present (as notch/fenestra)', 13 'Cranium, fusion between processus orbitalis lacrimale and os ectethmoidale ' / absent present, 14 'Cranium, size of lateral portion of ectethmoidale' / long intermediate short, 15 'Cranium, foramen orbitonasalis medialis' / confluent_with_sulcus_n._olfactorii not_confluent, 16 'Cranium, fonticuli interorbitales' / absent present, 17 'Cranium, shape of processus postorbitalis' / gracile moderate extremely_robust, 18 'Cranium, length of processus postorbitalis relative to the zygomatic process' / 'short (dorsal to)' 'long (ventral to)', 19 'Cranium, lamina parasphenoidalis processus medialis: 0 = barely evident; 1 = short; 2 = long ' / barely_evident short long, 20 'Cranium, lateral fusion of lamina parasphenoidalis to base of rostrum parasphenoidale: 0 = present; 1 = absent; 2 = incomplete ' / present incomplete absent, 21 'Cranium, tuberculum basilaris' / absent present, 22 'Cranium, medial process of crista parabasalis dorsally bounding tympanic fossa' / short long, 23 'Cranium, processus basipterygoideus' / 'present (prominent)' 'present (not prominent)' absent, 24 'Cranium, processus zygomaticus' / barely_evident developed highly_developed, 25 'Cranium, crista otica dorsalis' / barely_evident short laterally_expanded, 26 'Cranium, alignment of crista otica dorsalis in relation to jugal bar' / oblique perpendicular, 27 'Cranium, squamosal laterally overlaps quadrate-squamosal joint' / present absent, 28 'Cranium, conformation of pterygoid-palatine joint' / 'pterygoid articulates/abuts to both parasphenoidal and palatine' 'pterygoid articulates/abuts to palatine only', 29 'Cranium, alignment of lateral edges of processus paroccipitalis in caudal view' / parallel_or_subparallel convergent_ventrally, 30 'Cranium, direction of plane of foramen magnum' / caudal caudoventral ventral, 31 'Cranium, prominentia cerebellaris' / little_or_no_inflation inflated, 32 'Cranium, shape of crista nuchalis transversa in caudal aspect' / 'inverted u-shape' 'm-shape', 33 'Cranium, angle between processus maxillaris nasale and jugal bar' / 'acute (30 degrees)' 'intermediate (around 50 degrees)' 'wide (80 degrees)', 34 'Cranium, crista tomialis ' / absent present, 35 'Cranium, shape of angulus tomialis maxillaris' / continuous_with_jugal_bar discrete_projection_ventral_to_jugal, 36 'Cranium, position of angulus tomialis maxillaris relative to maxillary bar/process of nasal' / rostral_with_respect_to_maxillary_bar level_to_maxillary_bar extends_posteriorly_past_maxillary_bar, 37 'Cranium, openness of nares' / completely_open partially_covered_caudally_by_nasal_bone_ partially_covered_dorsally_by_nasal_bone_, 38 'Cranium, palatines ventrally concave when paired in caudoventral view' / absent present, 39 'Cranium, medial angle of palatine' / present absent, 40 'Cranium,dorsoventral height of rostrum relative to tomial margin' / long short, 41 'Cranium, contact between medial borders of caudal palatines ' / 'partial, separated by parasphenoid caudally' complete, 42 'Cranium, processus maxillopalatinus' / small well_developed, 43 'Cranium, contact between processus maxillopalatinus' / fused closely_adjacent separated_widely, 44 'Cranium, fenestra ventromedialis' / absent 'present (narrow)' 'present (wide)', 45 'Cranium, fenestra ventrolateralis' / absent_or_small present, 46 'Cranium, vomer' / absent present, 47 'Cranium, shape of rostral extremity of vomer' / pointed inflated, 48 'Cranium, foramen in palatine lamina dorsale' / absent present, 49 'Cranium, pterygoid foramina' / absent present, 50 'Cranium, position of quadrato-quadratojugal joint relative to processus postorbitalis on dorsoventral axis' / rostral_or_nearly_level caudal, 51 'Quadrate, condylus mandibularis caudalis differentiation from condylus lateralis' / well_differentiated weakly_differentiated not_differentiated, 52 'Mandible, processus retroarticularis ' / absent 'present (barely evident)' 'present (well developed)', 53 'Mandible, position of mandibular symphysis relative to rostrocaudal axis of mandible' / coincides_with_axis 'does not coincide, depressed below axis', 54 'Mandible, processus lateralis of mandible' / barely_differentiated_from_mandible short long, 55 'Mandible, processus coronoideus' / absent present, 56 'Mandible, caudal margin of fossa aditus canalis neurovascularis' / forms_a_crest forms_a_tuberculum_pseudotemporale flat, 57 'Mandible, position of processus coronoideus relative to external muscle adductor of mandible' / adjacent separated, 58 'Cranium, cranial base, number of foramina nervi hypoglossi acter 58' / four_or_more_foramina three_foramina two_foramina, 59 'Cranium, cranial base, configuration of foramina nervi hypoglossi' / clustured one_separate forms_a_line, 60 'Cranium, cranial base, position of foramen nervi glossopharyngealis relative to ostium canalis opthalmicus externus and ostium canalis carotici' / forms_straight_line forms_peak_of_triangle set_well_apart_from_ostia, 61 'Quadrate, proximal end, processus oticus, size of capitulum oticum relative to capitulum squamosum' / equal_size 'unequal size, capit. otic. larger', 62 'Quadrate, proximal end, processus oticus, caudal foramen under capitulum: 0 = present; 1 = absent' / present absent, 63 'Quadrate, proximal end, foramen pneumaticum caudomediale' / present absent deep_depression_but_no_foramen, 64 'Quadrate, distal end, foramen pneumaticum basiorbitale' / present absent, 65 'Quadrate, distal end, foramen pneumaticum rostromediale' / present absent, 66 'Quadrate, size of condylus lateralis relative to condylus medialis' / 'greatly enlarged, more than twice the size of condylus medialis' 'slightly enlarged, twice to 1.5 times the size' approximately_equal_in_size__, 67 'Quadrate, processus orbitalis orientation relative to corpus of processus oticus' / medial medioventral mediodorsal, 68 'Quadrate, condylus lateralis, size of arcus jugal facet' / 'moderate, roughly half of lateral facies' 'large, over two thirds of lateral facies', 69 'Sternum, number and position of incisura/fenestra sterni ' / none shallow_incisura_medialis 'outer incisura/fenestra (fenestra lateralis extends close to trabecula lateralis) present' 'both fenestra/incisura medialis and lateralis present', 70 'Sternum, conformation of fenestra/incisura lateralis ' / open enclosed, 71 'Sternum, abutment of crista medialis carinae to spina externa ' / abutting 'separated, but not by any fossa' separated_by_deep_fossa, 72 'Sternum, contiguity of caudal end of carina to caudal margin of sternum ' / 'absent, carina terminates before caudal margin' 'present, carina terminates at caudal margin', 73 'Sternum, size of region between caudal end of carina and caudal margin of sternum ' / absent_or_small large, 74 'Sternum, projection of spina externa in rostrum sterni ' / compressed short long, 75 'Sternum, position of apex of carina relative to the medial sulcus between coracoidal sulci' / caudal_to_sulcus adjacent_to_sulcus cranial_to_sulcus, 76 'Sternum, position of sulci articulares coracoidei ' / separate overlapping, 77 'Sternum, processus of labrum internum sternae ' / absent_or_barely_visible small robust, 78 'Sternum, caudolateral extremity of fossa sternocoracoidei ' / 'distinct, thick border' 'little differentiation, forms line', 79 'Sternum, number of processus costales' / four five six seven eight, 80 'Sternum, caudolateral extension of fossa sternocoracoidei' / reaches_second_processus_costalis reaches_3rd_processus_costalis reaches_4th_processus_costalis reaches_5th_or_6th_processus_costalis extends_past_6th__processus_costalis_or_not_visible_, 81 'Sternum, foramen in fossa sternocoracoidei' / absent present, 82 'Sternum, anteromedial projection on processus craniolateralis ' / absent 'present (short)' 'present (long)', 83 'Sternum, pneumatic foramen on dorsal face of processus craniolateralis ' / absent present, 84 'Sternum, thickened carina apex relative to spina externa of rostrum sterni ' / spina_externa_thicker_than_carina_apex proportionate_ carina_apex_thicker_than_spina_externa, 85 'Sternum, carinae apex thickness ' / 'absent, apex carinae tapers from pila carinae' 'present, apex thick as or thicker than pila', 86 'Sternum, type of origin point for lig. sternocoracoideum laterale ' / crest tuberculum, 87 'Sternum, ventral surface, position of dorsolateral intermuscular line relative to point of origin for lig. sternocoracoideum laterale ' / adjacent separated_medially, 88 'Sternum, caudal extension of dorsolateral intermuscular line down body of sternum ' / extends_to_cranial_third_of_body extends_to_middle_third_of_body extends_to_caudal_third_of_body, 89 'Sternum, depth of carina' / greater_than_depth_of_sternum approximately_equal_to_depth_of_sternum less_than_depth_of_sternum, 90 'Sternum, extension of spina interna' / present absent, 91 'Sternum, distinct foramen pneumaticum anterior' / absent present, 92 'Scapula, pneumatic foramen in acromion cranial region ' / absent present, 93 'Scapula, cranial projection of acromion in ventral or medial view' / low_projection distinct_projection, 94 'Scapula, presence of a medial foramen ' / absent 'present (medial facies)', 95 'Scapula, presence of ventral foramen' / absent present, 96 'Coracoid, incisura/foramen nervi supracoracoidei ' / absent present, 97 'Coracoid, position of incisura/foramen nervi supracoracoidei ' / towards_sternal_edge close_to_cotyla_scapularis set_almost_central_in_shaft, 98 'Coracoid, shaft, medial edge, incisura n. supracoracoidei size' / 'large, spans at least half of shaft' 'small, spans less than half of shaft', 99 'Coracoid, shaft, medial edge, incisura n. supracoracoidei enclosed by bridge of bone' / open enclosed, 100 'Coracoid, medial foramen opening into corpus associated with incisura nervi supracoracoidei ' / absent present, 101 'Coracoid, omal end, orientation of omal margin of processus procoracoideus relative to sternal margin' / parallel distally_orientated proximally_orientated, 102 'Coracoid, omal end, size of cotyla scapularis relative to the shaft width' / 'less than 1/4 width' '1/4 width or greater', 103 'Coracoid, proximal end, sternal margin of facies articularis clavicularis forms crest of sulcus supracoracoideus' / present absent, 104 'Coracoid, omal end, position of pneumatic foramina relative to sides of sulcus supracoracoideus ' / ventral dorsal, 105 'Coracoid, omal end, presence of pneumatic foramina in sulcus supracoracoideus' / present absent, 106 'Coracoid, omal end, depth of pneumatic foramina in sulcus supracoracoideus' / 'deep, pneumatic holes extend well into bone' 'shallow, slight pneumatisation', 107 'Coracoid, shape of coracobrachial ligament attachment' / triangular rectangular absent, 108 'Coracoid, position of coracobrachial ligament attachment' / medial central lateral, 109 'Coracoid, contiguity of coracobrachial ligament attachment to the cranial border of sulcus m. sternocoracoidei ' / absent present, 110 'Coracoid, depth of impression m. sternocoracoidei ' / shallow deep, 111 'Coracoid, omal end, dorsal view, facies articularis humeralis lateral projection' / 'long, little projection' 'short, strongly projecting' 'long, strongly projecting', 112 'Coracoid, length vs sternal articular width' / 'short, robust' moderate 'elongate, narrow', 113 'Coracoid, sternal end, lateral edge, processus lateralis projection' / 'non-projecting, barely extends past lateral-most point of facies articularis sternalis' 'well projecting, extends distinctly lateral of facies articularis sternalis', 114 'Coracoid, sternal end, lateral edge, processus lateralis robustness' / 'the process is broad, with the distal edge approximately the same height as the proximal-most end' 'the process is tapered and narrow, distal edge narrower in height than proximal-most end, sternal edge quite compressed in relation to coracoid sternal end', 115 'Coracoid, distal end, omal-sternal width of the facet on the facies articularis sternalis' / 'narrow, consistent along facies' widened_into_a_flange_at_angulus_medialis_end, 116 'Coracoid, sternal end, projection of dorsal flange relative to distal margin of facies articularis' / 'narrow, consistent along facies' set_adjacent_to_margin, 117 'Humerus, proximal end, cranial surface, pneumatic fossa set in base of caput humeri' / absent present, 118 'Humerus, proximal end, dorsal side, tuberculum dorsale presence ' / projecting_caudally projecting_dorsoproximally, 119 'Humerus, proximal end, dorsal side, level of tuberculum dorsale relative to sulcus lig. transversus' / tuberculum_dorsale_distal_to_sulcus_lig._transversus tuberculum_dorsale_aligned_with_sulcus_lig._transversus, 120 'Humerus, proximal end, cranial surface, depth of sulcus lig. transversus' / shallow 'deep, distinct impression', 121 'Humerus, proximal end, cranial surface, inflation of the intumescentia humeri' / surface_inflated_in_rounded_mound surface_flattened_or_slightly_concave, 122 'Humerus, proximal end, caudal surface, shape of fossa pneumotricipitalis ventralis ' / 'narrowed half-oval' 'broad semi-circle', 123 'Humerus, proximal end, caudal surface, depth of fossa pneumotricipitalis dorsalis ' / absent_or_barely_differentiated 'distinct/deep', 124 'Humerus, proximal end, caudal surface, crus ventrale fossa, scar for attachment for M. scapulohumeralis caudalis/ dorsalis scapulae' / elevated_on_crus_ventrale_fossa not_prominent, 125 'Humerus, proximal end, caudal surface, towards ventral side, depth of incisura capitis' / 'shallow, no excavation' secondary_deepening, 126 'Humerus, proximal end, caudal shaft margin, capital ridge on shaft' / absent present, 127 'Humerus, proximal end, caudal surface, distal of incisura capitis, adjacent to crus dorsale fossa, size of insertion at dorsal side of incisura capitas (see Hiroshige 2007)' / 'large and round (width approximate to incisura capitas' small_and_narrow, 128 'Humerus, proximal end, caudal surface, distal of incisura capitas, visibility of insertion at dorsal side of incisura capitas' / 'well defined, distinct shape' 'poorly defined, faint', 129 'Humerus, proximal end, dorsal side, position of angulus deltopectoralis relative to distal end of crista bicipitalis ' / level_or_positioned_just_distal_of_crista_bicipitalis positioned_well_distal_of_crista_bicipitalis, 130 'Humerus, proximal end, proximal end, profile of proximal half of crista' / concave flat, 131 'Humerus, proximal end, dorsal side, angulus deltopectoralis ' / rounded angled, 132 'Humerus, proximal end, alignment of distal end of crista deltopectoralis relative to shaft ' / perpendicular parallel, 133 'Humerus, proximal end, ventral view, angle between distal crista deltapectoralis and shaft ' / shallow markedly_angled, 134 'Humerus, proximal end, caudal aspect, presence of sulcus on proximal half of caudal surface of crista deltopectoralis' / present_and_deep present_and_shallow no_sulcus, 135 'Humerus, proximal end, ventrally on the crista deltopectoralis, breadth of insertion scar of M. pectoralis' / narrow robust, 136 'Humerus, proximal end, crista deltopectoralis, in cranial view, length and distal end of scar for M. pectoralis ' / 'long, extends level with base of crista bicipitalis' 'short, ends well before base of crista bicipitalis ', 137 'Humerus, proximal end, ventral side, distal margin of crista bicipitalis' / 'little flaring, terminates close to shaft' forms_distoventrally_convex_flange, 138 'Humerus, proximal end, cranial facies, distal of crista bicipitalis, sulcus nervus coracobrachialis (modified from Migotto 2013, char. 103)' / absent 'present (faint)' 'present (distinct)', 139 'Humerus, shaft, curvature' / 'straight, little or none' slightly_sigmoid markedly_sigmoid, 140 'Humerus, shaft, scar for m. latissimus dorsi on caudal facies' / 'faint, poorly defined line down shaft' distinct_line_down_shaft, 141 'Humerus, shaft, width difference between shaft and distal width' / less_than_25% 'more than 25% (broad)', 142 'Humerus, distal end, ventral side, projection of processus flexorius in medial view ' / protrudes_caudally_out_from_shaft 'caudal protrusion reduced/flattened', 143 'Humerus, distal end, ventral side, projection of processus flexorius in cranial view ' / 'small, does not project past condylus ventralis' 'medium, equal with condylus ventralis' 'large, projects past condylus ventralis', 144 'Humerus, distal end, ventral side, shape of processus flexorius in medial view (Gaff and Boles 2010, character 5)' / base_well_rounded 'base less round/flattened', 145 'Humerus, distal end, ventral side, width of fossa on tuberculum supracondylare ventrale relative to gap between condyles' / 'large (equal to or greater than size of gap)' 'small (less than size of gap )', 146 'Humerus, distal end, ventral side, depth of fossa for pronator superficialis on tuberculum supracondylare ventrale' / deep shallow, 147 'Humerus, distal end, projection of processus supracondylaris dorsalis in cranial view ' / barely_projecting_dorsad_of_condyle projecting_dorsal_from_condyle_ projecting_strongly_dorsal_from_condyle, 148 'Humerus, distal end, caudal view, depth fossa olecrani ' / shallow deep_and_defined deep_and_defined_with_secondarily_deepened, 149 'Humerus, distal end, shape of deepening proximal to m. pronator scars and caudal to TSV' / 'quite circular, well-defined' 'ovoid, not as well-defined', 150 'Humerus, distal end, cranial face, fossa m. brachialis depth' / shallow deep, 151 'Humerus, distal end, cranial face, proximity of fossa m. brachialis to dorsal facies of shaft' / 'wide separation, intervening shaft very broad (1/2 width of fossa )' 'moderate separation, intervening area 1/3 to 1/4 width of fossa' 'narrow separation, intervening area <1/4 width of fossa', 152 'Humerus, distal end, cranial face, orientation of dorsal margin of fossa brachialis proximally' / curving_dorsally_towards_shaft_edge curving_ventrally, 153 'Humerus, distal end, cranial face, extent of pneumatisation in fossa brachialis' / little_or_none 'highly pneumatic, fossae large ', 154 'Humerus, distal end, cranial face, orientation of interior margin of tuberculum supracondylare ventrale relative to the shaft axis.' / parallel_to_shaft angled_across_shaft, 155 'Humerus, distal end, cranial face, distance between interior margin of tuberculum supracondylare ventrale and tip of condylus dorsalis relative to distance between condylus dorsalis and dorsal margin' / wider equal, 156 'Ulna, proximal end, delimitation dorsally and ventrally of incisura radialis ' / crests one_or_more_tubercules, 157 'Ulna, proximal end, pneumatic foramina in incisura radialis ' / absent_or_small 'present (conspicuous)', 158 'Ulna, proximal end, pneumatic foramen in impressio m. brachialis ' / absent present, 159 'Ulna, proximal end, ventral side, impressio m. brachialis depth' / shallow well_deepened, 160 'Ulna, proximal end, size of olecranon projection above cotyla ' / small large, 161 'Ulna, proximal end, pneumatic foramen located between olecranon and cotyla dorsalis in cranial view ' / absent present, 162 'Ulna, proximal end, shape of distal and lateral margins of processus cotylaris dorsalis ' / rounded pointed, 163 'Ulna, proximal end, dorsal aspect, projection of shaft past cotyla ventralis' / 'flattened to weak projection, does not project past cotyla' 'moderate projection, projects equal to or slightly past edge of cotyla ventralis' 'strongly projecting, projects well past edge of cotyla ventralis', 164 'Ulna, proximal end, size of impressio m. scapulotricipitis ' / small large, 165 'Ulna, distal end, shape of dorsal side of tuberculum carpale ' / undifferentiated_from_rest_of_tuberculum 'differentiated, flat facies' 'differentiated, shallow fossa', 166 'Ulna, distal end, tuberculum carpale, presence of foramen on ventral side ' / absent present, 167 'Ulna, distal end, ventral view, sulcus intercondylaris depth' / flat_or_shallow deep, 168 'Ulna, distal end, tuberculum carpale status' / weakly_to_moderately_protruding 'pointed, well protruding', 169 'Ulna, distal end, curvature of shaft' / 'straight, little or none' 'distinct, especially proximally', 170 'Radius, proximal end, presence of pneumatic foramen associated with the tuberculum bicipitalis radialis (Migotto 2013, 116)' / absent present, 171 'Radius, distal end, presence of a pneumatic foramen in the depressio ligamenti (modified from Migotto 2013 117)' / absent present, 172 'Radius, distal end, position of pneumatic foramen in the depressio ligamenti (modified from Migotto 2013, 117)' / medial lateral, 173 'Carpometacarpus, proximal end, pneumatic foramina in fovea carpalis cranialis ' / absent present, 174 'Carpometacarpus, proximal end, angle formed between processus extensorius and dorsal rim of trochlea carpalis ' / 'obtuse, greater than 100 degrees' 'right angle, approximately 90 degrees', 175 'Carpometacarpus, proximal end, contiguity between facies articularis digiti alulae and proximal region of os metacarpale majus ' / present 'absent (notch between facet and shaft, eg Circus)', 176 'Carpometacarpus, proximal end, pneumatic area of proximal region of os metacarpale minus ' / present absent, 177 'Carpometacarpus, proximal end, shape of surface of proximal region of os metacarpale minus ' / concave flat, 178 'Carpometacarpus, proximal end, position of distal end of ventral trochlear rim carpalis relative to facet processus alularis' / located_well_proximal_to level_with_or_slightly_proximal_of, 179 'Carpometacarpus, proximal end, pneumatisation of fossa infratrochlearis' / present absent, 180 'Carpometacarpus, proximal end, ventral facies, deep sulcus separating the processus pisiformis and the processus extensorius' / absent present, 181 'Carpometacarpus, proximal end, dorsally, pneumatisation of fossa supratrochlearis' / present absent, 182 'Carpometacarpus, proximal end, distance between processus pisiformis and proximal-most point of spatium intermetacarpale' / 'long, greater than proximal width' 'short, equal or less than proximal width', 183 'Carpometacarpus, curvature of os metacarpale minus' / flattened arched_caudally, 184 'Carpometacarpus, distal end, projection of facies articularis digitalis minoris past facies articularis digitalis major' / greatly_projecting slightly_projecting approximately_level, 185 'Carpometacarpus, distal end, projection of ridges bordering sulcus tendineus distally in dorsal view' / low distinct_thickening_of_crista_on_either_side_of_groove, 186 'Carpometacarpus, distal end of os metacarpale majus, ventral projection' / projects_weakly_cranially_in_low_angle protrudes_out_strongly_cranially_in_steep_angle, 187 'Carpometacarpus, distal end, length of distal synistosis to facet for digit 2 relative to interspatium metacarpale' / 'short, less than width of spatium intermetacarpale' 'long, equal or greater than width of spatium intermetacarpale' 'elongate, up to twice as long', 188 'Os carpi radiale, projection of facies articularis metacarpalis ' / not_projecting_in_cranial_view 'slightly projecting in cranial view (rounded or low prominence)' 'strongly projecting in cranial view (both ends visible, pointed edges)', 189 'Os carpi radiale, notch for musculus ulnometacarpalis ventralis ' / low_profile_of_inner_edge distinct_inner_edge_projecting_ventrally, 190 'Os carpi radiale, facies articularis ulnaris, indentation depth ' / shallow_or_slight 'deep, distinct ', 191 'Pelvis, dorsal view, shape of pelvis' / short_ elongate, 192 'Pelvis, dorsal view, ala preacetabularis ilii, canalis iliosynsacri' / absent present, 193 'Pelvis, dorsal view, proximity of dorsal iliac crests in preacetabular zone ' / closely_juxtaposed_or_in_contact separated, 194 'Pelvis, foramina intertransversaria state (Migotto 2013, 125)' / open partially_or_completely_closed, 195 'Pelvis, dorsal view, crista spinosa synsacri state' / flat_or_slightly_grooved inflated, 196 'Pelvis, Lateral extremity of crista dorsolateralis ilii relative to the processus antitrochanter' / extends_laterally_past medial_to, 197 'Pelvis, Fossa iliocaudalis presence' / shallow_or_absent deep, 198 'Pelvis, Processus ventralis on extremitas cranialis synsacra' / absent present, 199 'Pelvis, Anterior fossa renalis' / shallow_or_none deep, 200 'Pelvis, Caudal fossa renalis ' / shallow_or_none deep, 201 'Pelvis, Caudal margin of foramen obturatum ' / 'open, confluent to ischiopubica fenestra' closed, 202 'Pelvis, Incisura of terminal region of ischium ' / absent 'present, but slight' present_and_pronounced, 203 'Pelvis, Sutura iliosynsacralis conformation of postacetabular zone in dorsal aspect from caudal margin up' / sutura_at_first_diverges_caudally_then_abruptly_turns_medially_at_level_of_second_last_synsacral_vertebra converge_caudally_in__linear_fashion form_parallel_lines, 204 'Pelvis, ventral view, caudal of foramen acetabuli, conformation of widest distal processus costales of vertebrae acetabulum' / thin_struts_limited_to_synsacrum 'thin struts, forms a thin bridge attaching directly to ventral side of antitrochanter' 'thick struts, forms robust bridge attaching directly to ventral side of antitrochanter', 205 'Femur, proximal end, proximal projection of crista trochanteris from facies articularis antitrochanterica ' / high low, 206 'Femur, proximal end, fossa trochanteris ' / distinct_depression shallow_or_absent, 207 'Femur, proximal end, cranial aspect, number of pneumatic foramina on crista trochanteris ' / none one two, 208 'Femur, proximal end, caudal surface, depth of depression immediately distad of facies articularis antitrochanterica' / shallow_or_no_depression 'deep, distinct impression', 209 'Femur, proximal end, cranial aspect, position of linea intermuscularis cranialis on the upper corpus femoris ' / 'lateral, connects to end of crista trochanterica' 'medial, passing to medial side of pneumatic zone', 210 'Femur, proximal end, projection of facies articularis antitrochanterica over cranial facies' / overhanging not_overhanging, 211 'Femur, proximal end, position and development of fovea lig. capitas' / set_high_in_caput_femora set_low_in_caput_femora, 212 'Femur, distal end, shape of proximal part of condylus fibularis in caudal aspect' / short projects_out_laterally, 213 'Femur, distal end, crista supracondylaris medialis ' / absent_or_minute present., 214 'Femur, distal end, depth of fovea tendineus m. tibialis cranialis' / deep_and_distinct shallow, 215 'Femur, distal end, depth of impressio gastrocnemialis ' / deep shallow, 216 'Femur, distal end, size of impressio gastrocnemialis' / large small, 217 'Femur, distal end, caudal view, connectivity of lateral and medial condyles' / connected_by_proximodistally_compressed_ridge 'no connection, separated by distinct sulcus', 218 'Femur, distal end, shape of ligament attachment point proximal to fossa poplitea' / 'line/ridge' circular oval absent, 219 'Femur, distal end, depth of fossa poplitea' / shallow moderately_deep very_deep, 220 'Tibiotarsus, proximal end, linearity of proximal profile of crista patellaris assessed in cranial aspect ' / straight convex_proximally, 221 'Tibiotarsus, proximal end, level of distal extremity of crista cnemialis cranialis in relation to proximal end of crista fibularis ' / proximal level_with caudal, 222 'Tibiotarsus, proximal end, crista cnemialis cranialis projection cranially' / markedly_projects_from_shaft does_not_project_from_shaft, 223 'Proximal end, caudal facies, depth of fossa flexoria' / shallow 'deep, distinct fossa in shaft adjacent to facies articularis.', 224 'Tibiotarsus, proximal end, depression in the facies gastrocnemialis lateral of crista cnemialis cranialis ' / deep shallow_or_absent, 225 'Tibiotarsus, proximal end, depth of fossa retropatellaris' / 'shallow, faint impression into proximal articular surface' 'deep, distinct impression', 226 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, alignment of pons supratendineus in relation to long axis' / perpendicular oblique approximately_parallel, 227 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, depth of sulcus extensorius under bridge of pons' / shallow moderately_deep very_deep, 228 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, condylus lateralis, sulcus m. fibularis (peronei) depth' / shallow deep, 229 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, expansion of condyles beyond extent of shaft' / expanded not_expanded, 230 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, condylus medialis, epicondylus medialis ' / weakly_present 'developed, prominent of condyles' 'developed, occluded by condyles', 231 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, cranial view, distal notch of incisura intercondylaris ' / 'shallow-moderate (u-shape)' 'deep (u-shape)' 'deep (v-shape)', 232 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, caudal surface of trochlea cartilaginis tibialis ' / flat_or_bound_by_low_caudal_projections_of_condylae deep_groove_bound_by_high_caudal_projections_of_condylae, 233 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, number of openings to canalis extensorius' / two three, 234 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, distal view, level of cranial margin of condyles' / lateral_condyle_more_cranial equal medial_condyle_more_cranial, 235 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, distal view, depth of medial condyle relative to distal width' / deeper_than_wide depth_approximate_to_width depth_less_than_width, 236 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, cranial view, ratio of height to width of medial condyle' / equal wider_than_high higher_than_wide, 237 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, cranial view, ratio of height to width of lateral condyle' / 'roughly equal (less than 15% difference)' 'wider than high (15% or more)' higher_than_wide, 238 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, projection of epicondylus lateralis from condylus lateralis' / projects_markedly_from_condyle no_projection, 239 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, position of proximal/medial attachment for tuberositas retinaculum extensoriis medialis (ligamentum transversum)' / set_close_to_proximal_side_of_pons_supratendineus set_well_proximal_to_pons_supratendineus, 240 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, position of distal/lateral attachment for ligamentum transversum' / 'at end of distal side of pons supratendineus bridge, well offset from margin' 'level with distal pons supratendineus, but extending to lateral margin', 241 'Tibiotarsus, distal end, projection of crista on medial margin of trochlea cartilaginis tibialis' / 'strongly projecting, forms approximate 90 degree angle between main shaft and condyle' 'strongly projecting, flat line' weakly_projecting, 242 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, hypotarsus structure (terminology after Mayr 2016) plantar connection of crista lateralis flexoris hallucis longus and crista medialis flexoris digitorum longus to enclose a canal' / 'connected plantarly, monosulcate' 'partial plantar connaction, cristae approach one another plantarly and lightly contact each other' 'sulcus hypotarsi completely open, not connected plantarly,', 243 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, dorsoplantar depth of cristae relative to each other ' / 'roughly equal depth,' crista_medialis_flexor_digitorum_longus_distinctly_deepr, 244 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, proximodistal length of crista medialis hypotarsi relative to crista lateralis hypotarsi' / crista_medialis_hypotarsi_much_longer_than_crista_lateralis_hypotarsi crista_medialis_and_lateralis_hypotarsi_of_roughly_equal_length., 245 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, lengh of crista lateralis hypotarsi relative to width' / up_to_twice_as_wide_as_long roughly_equal longer_than_wide, 246 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, proximal aspect, cristae hypotarsi, depth of sulcus hypotarsi relative to the cotylae' / sulcus_hypotarsi_set_well_plantar_of_cotylae sulcus_hypotarsi_in_line_or_close_to_cotylae_, 247 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, proximal aspect, sulcus hypotarsi, depth of sulcus hypotarsi relative to sulcus flexorius' / roughly_equal_in_depth 'sulcus hypotarsi shallow, forms prominent profile in medial view', 248 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, proximal aspect, lateral side, incision at base of crista lateralis, fibula longus canal' / absent 'present (shallow)' 'present (deep)', 249 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, lateral side, plantar aspect, length of sulcus for musculus fibularis longus on shaft ' / 'absent or reduced, not extending past cristae' 'medium length, extends to proximal third of shaft length' 'very long sulcus, extends to at least halfway down shaft', 250 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, depth of fossa infracotylaris dorsalis ' / shallow deep, 251 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, lateral side, distinctness of impressio ligamentum collateralis lateralis' / prominent_tuberosity 'indistinct scar, no prominence', 252 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, length of crista medialis hypotarsi relative to depth' / depth_greater_than_length depth_equal_to_length depth_lesser_than_length, 253 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, distal projection/hook on plantar end of crista medialis hypotarsi ' / absent 'short, barely projects from crista' 'long, projects distinctly from crista ', 254 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, position of crista medialis hypotarsi' / in_line_with_outer_edge__of_cotyla_medialis in_line_with_centre_of_cotyla_medialis centred_between_cotylae, 255 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, proximal prominence of eminentia intercotylaris in dorsal view' / small_to_moderate_protrusion 'hyperprotruding , stands well above cotyla', 256 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, plantar aspect, position of distal end of crista medianoplantaris relative to foramina vascularia proximalia (Migotto 2013, 152)' / proximal coinciding distal, 257 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, plantar aspect, position of foramen vasculare proximale medialis in lateromedial axis ' / medial_to_crista_medianoplantaris lateral_to_crista_medianoplantaris, 258 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, plantar aspect, size of foramina vascularia proximalia' / 'small, pinhole-like' 'large, distinct holes', 259 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, plantar and dorsal aspect, foramina vascularia proximalia, openness' / both_foramina_open_plantarly foramina_lateralis_closed_plantarly foramina_medialis_closed_plantarly_, 260 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, medial side, plantar aspect, width of proximal end of fossa parahypotarsalis medialis' / very_narrow broad_and_indistinct broad_and_distinct, 261 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, attachment ridges for impressiones retinaculi extensorii ' / absent 'present (forms attachment for bridge)' 'present (enclosed)', 262 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, prominence of tuberositas m. tibialis cranialis in lateral view' / barely_visible_or_none very_distinct_protuberance_from_shaft, 263 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, dorso-plantar depth of medial shaft adjacent to midlength fossa parahypotarsalis medialis' / very_thick 'dorso-plantarly compressed but slightly thickened' 'highly dorso-plantarly compressed, thin', 264 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, shape of tuberositas m. tibialis cranialis' / elongate_ridge 'roughly circular or semi-ovular', 265 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, proximity of tuberositas m. tibialis cranialis to foramina vascularia proximalia ' / abutting_or_just_distal_to_foramina set_well_distal_from_foramina, 266 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, mediolateral position of tuberositas m. tibialis cranialis relative to foramina vascularia proximalia' / 'offset laterally, located distal to lateral foramen' 'set roughly central in shaft, between foramina' 'offset medially, located distal to medial foramen', 267 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, central shaft, number of scars for tuberosities m. tibialis cranialis' / one two, 268 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end, shaft on medial side of tuberositas m. tib. Cranialis, depth of sulcus extensorius ' / 'distinct, noticeable groove between outer shaft edge and tuberositas' 'indistinct, flattened ', 269 'Tarsometatarsus, shaft, dorsal facies subcutanea lateralis at midlength of shaft' / 'flat, level at ends' concave, 270 'Tarsometatarsus, shaft, dorsal facies, position and depth of sulcus extensorius' / 'deep, positioned strictly on dorsal facies' 'deep, pressing medially towards distal end' 'shallow, pressing medially towards distal end', 271 'Tarsometatarsus, proximal end + shaft, plantar aspect, continuity of fossa parahypotarsalis medialis and sulcus flexorius' / 'none, fossae distinct' 'fossae continuous - inapplicable no fossa parahypotarsalis medialis', 272 'Tarsometatarsus, shaft, development of medial and lateral cristae on plantar surface of shaft and sulcus flexorius ' / lateral_crista_absent_or_low lateral_crista_well_developed, 273 'Tarsometatarsus, distal end, extension of incisura for m. flexor hallucis brevis relative to fossa metatarsi I' / more_proximal ends_equidistant_with distal absent_or_positioned_differently, 274 'Tarsometatarsus, distal end, plantar facies, width of sulcus for abductor muscle IV' / narrow broad indistinct, 275 'Tarsometatarsus, distal end, position of fossa metatarsi I' / located_on_the_medial_edge_of_the_shaft offset_medially_on_plantar_facies 'on plantar facies well-separated from medial edge.', 276 'Tarsometatarsus, distal end, relative trochleae distal extent, in dorsal aspect' / all_roughly_equal 'trochlea metatarsi IV ends proximal to trochlea metatarsi III and IV, which have equal distal extent' trochlea_metatarsi_IV_has_least_distal_extent_and_trochlea_metatarsi_III_the_most_distal_extent trochlea_metatarsi_IV_has_least_distal_extent_and_trochlea_metatarsi_II_the_most_distal_extent, 277 'Tarsometatarsus, distal end, plantar development of external rim of trochlea II' / strongly_projecting_plantarly 'projecting latero-plantarly' no_projection, 278 'Tarsometatarsus, distal end, plantar development of external rim of trochlea metatarsi IV' / short_to_moderately_long very_long, 279 'Tarsometatarsus, distal end, angle of distal margin of trochlea metatarsi IV' / 'absent, horizontal' 'angled, faces medeially' 'angled, faces laterally', 280 'Tarsometatarsus, distal end, plantar aspect, diameter of foramen vasculare distale compared to width of incisura intertrochlearis lateralis' / ½_width_or_less_ between_½_to_equal_width greater_width_, 281 'Digit I, os metatarsal I, presence of projecting ridge on lateral section of sulcus on anterior facies (that facing plantar facies of tmt) of trochlea metatarsi I' / absent 'present, slightly protruding' 'present, highly protruding', 282 'Digit I, os metatarsal I, tuberculum located at mid-length on medial edge of metatarsal' / absent 'present, slight projection' 'present, large projection', 283 'Digit I, os metatarsal I, shape of lateral edge of shaft leading distally to lateral side trochlea metatarsi I' / straight concave, 284 'Digit I, os metatarsal I, sulcus distomedial to articular facet' / small large, 285 'Digit I, phalanx I, robustness of phalanx 1 compared to phalanges on all other digits' / least_robust_ equal_or_slightly_more_robust_than_any_phalanges_on_other_digits significantly_more_robust_than_any_other_phalanx, 286 'Digit I, ungual phalanx, length of facies articularis relative to length of tuberculum flexorius' / roughly_equal tuberculum_longer facies_articularis_longer, 287 'Digit II, fusion between 1st and 2nd phalanges' / absent present, 288 'Digit II, size difference between phalanges one and two (if unfused)' / 'one as long as, or slightly longer than, two' 'one shortened, roughly half the length of two' 'one greatly shortened, compressed cube less than half the length of two', 289 'Digit II, ungual phalanx, length of facies articularis relative to length of tuberculum flexorius' / roughly_equal tuberculum_longer facies_articularis_longer, 290 'Digit III, size difference between phalanges two and three' / equal_in_size_ 3_larger_than_2 2_larger_than_3, 291 'Digit III, phalanx 4, prominent ridge on medial side of corpus phalangis (from juncture cotyla articularis)' / absent present, 292 'Digit III, phalanx 4, Ridge at juncture of lateral and plantar sides of corpus phalangis' / rounded 'sharp/pointed', 293 'Digit III, phalanx 4, height to width ratio of cotyla articularis' / higher_than_wide equal_height_to_width wider_than_high_, 294 'Digit III, phalanx 4, symmetry of tuberculum flexorium in plantar aspect' / medial_side_larger_than_lateral complete_or_almost_complete_symmetry lateral_side_larger_than_medial, 295 'Digit III, Phalanx 4, width to length ratio of tuberculum flexorium in plantar aspect' / wider_than_long equal_width_and_length__ longer_than_wide, 296 'Digit III, phalanx 4, ridge on midline of tuberculum flexorium' / absent present, 297 'Digit 3, ungual phalanx, length of facies articularis relative to length of tuberculum flexorius' / roughly_equal tuberculum_longer facies_articularis_longer, 298 'Digit IV, length of phalanx 1 relative to phalanx 4' / 'as long as, or slightly longer, than 4 ' slightly_shorter_than_4_ considerably_shorter_than_4, 299 'Digit IV, shortening of phalanges 2 and 3 relative to 4' / slightly_shorter_than_4_ greatly_shorter_than_4, 300 'Digit IV, ungual phalanx, length of facies articularis relative to length of tuberculum flexorius' / roughly_equal tuberculum_longer facies_articularis_longer ; MATRIX Archaehierax_sylvestris ????????????????????????????????????0??????10?????????????????001?0???1??100???????11?????0000011110010100???01?????01?0100?00?????????????????????????????1000?00?00010000-0001011111111?1110???????????????????????????????????11101000221111?0210010????2110??0??1120010011?12011100111112202211101202110 Mairs_Cave_Taxon 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GWC_Taxon ??????????????????????????????????????????????????0?????????11111121???????????????????????111011111101100011000??11011101110001011001101121111000000111010100(0 1)000(0 1)10001000-00110(0 1)101111011???1?0100001???02111001010?10111??????110010002211100????????????????????????????????????10??1111???????????????? Taphaetus_lacertosus ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????110101211121000???????????????0-?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2?1211111(0 1)??10100000(0 1)110100111001211001???????????????????? Threskiornis_spinicollis_ 00-000001100010000200021201?01100112010110-10110?00210100122010111003001012100210101000201000001211121000102002110000011010110110101021110111101111000210000000100110000000-01011110101101110010101100000221000001101110031110010000000002100110021020110110011200010001011000103222000100100200200001002102 Ciconia_ciconia 00-1000011000210102201221010011101122101110100-0100000121222001010001-21002101240202100101100010----2101010001010-100011000010100001021110011101111000210000000100110001100-0111111010111011001000000101012100100110111003110001001110100202210202102012001001120101000----0001032220001001002012?000---2002 Coragyps_atratus_ 10-100001020110000200001200001100100000110-000-0010110111111?11012213001011100?012000002010?001101100?0-1-0--1011000101111011010011101001021111101100121110011011021010101101011110000121012101000111100021110110110111002100001000010100200011002012011011101120101000101100010021210010010020020??????2002 Sagittarius_serpentarius_ 0110001000200?11111000000010111111020010110000-0001011111110?01011010-01-0100021100110100111000121110100000210110-110101010100000010020102011111011000110001000000000001000-00010110111100211110010100010121011001000000012100110100000002000102021020111110010201020001011100010212200110001200200021002112 Pandion_haliaetus 01010000102011010112002110111211110200000100010100111111111-010101011001010101310010000111000001111001110101000010110111001110011011001110110020010101110000001000011000000-00011110110111110101111100111110100001101110132101010120001101200101000021012010110201012120010112000021012111002202210001112212 Elanus_axillaris_ 01001122111001010100001020111201111200101122110100111101-111010012002000111101230111110111001001111101110000100111110101000011011010001001101011111110010111000001100001000-011111111100111000101011000010211110011111101111010101100001022111101210010110122000100010211101121100011101????220121??01102112 Elanus_scriptus_ 01001122111001010100001020111201111200101122110100111101-111010012002000111101230111110111001001111101110000100111110101000011011010001001101011011110010111000000100000000-01111111110011100010101100001021111001111100111101010110000102211110121001011012200010001021110112110001110111112201211001102112 Gampsonyx_swainsonii_ 011011121110010101000011201112012112001001220100001112111211-00011??20000120012401110101111010011110??110102101210110100010100011110111001201110011110010??1000?001000000???011111111101111101101011000010111110110101101?0111001110?001022??110121??1?211122100101?1021100112110?03100111102?01?1100110?11? Chelictinia_ricourii 011011120010010101000021201112112112001001220101001111111???????????2000011?01230?11?101111????11111???1??0010111111010000001001111011100110??????11???????1000?0010????0???01111?1??11?111???101001000010211?1011?0111?1?011101??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????11???????? Elanoides_forficatus_ 011010010010000100110011001012112112000001111101001111110211?11012002101012121230011111011101001111101110102101011110110000110011110010111101111011010110001000000100011100-00010110111111021010110100001020111011101111011111010110000000211110110121011010210100021121010111100013100111002201211001202112 Chondrohierax_uncinatus_ 011010010000000100000021001012112112000011111101001111110211?11011012001012121230011110111100011111101010101100211110101000100011010010011101111011010110101000000100010111000110110111111021110110100001020111011101111020111010100000000211110121011010010210200021111100112100011100101102201211001202112 Aviceda_subcristata 011011210010000100100011001012112112000001011101111110110101111002??20000121212302111111111000010100??11000100111?1101010001100(0 1)11101001111010?1111011110101000?001000100???00010?101111110201101001000010201110101011110?0111010110?000002??110110??1?10000210200021120110112111013200201002?00?0000110?11? Pernis_apivorus_ 0110111?0010-00100101011001?121111120000?1111??0?11210110111010012012001011111230211111111110001111011110102100010110101000100011110010111001011010011110101000000110001100-00010110101111121110100100101021111011101110111001110110010002211110110011010000210200021121010112110021200110002200210001102112 Lophoictinia_isura 010011121110010111020011101012111112000011110100001112111111111012002000011111(2 3)(2 3)0011111011101(0 1)0111100111000210111(0 1)110100100100011100(0 1)11101101110111110110101000000111000000-010101101(0 1)11110110101001000010210110111111111111110101100100012111101210110(1 2)(1 2)0(0 1)211010002112101011211002110011(1 2)102002011001200110 Hamirostra_melanosternon 0100101?0011010111120021201?12111101100011111??0?01111111101111002012100011111220011111011101101111101110101101010110110100110011100011001101111001111110101000000111001000-00010110111211121010010100001021011011111100111111011110010002211110121001012011210100021121010112110021100111112002011001201110 Polyboroides_typus_ 011011010010010111121021001012111102000001111101001111101101111011012000010111200011110011001101111101010002102110110100111110011100010010111101110010110101000000010011000-0001001111111112101001010000102201111111110011110101000010100210011022102111110011120002112111010001100110111201??01?????????11? Gypaetus_barbatus 00-0110?01110100111210212010110100--000001110101002112101111111012212000010011210010111021001011111???1100021021101101101101000111010111111111001111102101?1000000110000000-000101101111111200100101000010220120010011101?11000101000100022??1100210011210101100000200?1010111111111100111101002000001210010 Gypohierax_angolensis_ 011011010010010111121021201?11010111000001111101001111101101111011212000011121200111110111011001111101010001102110110110110110011111011110111100110011210111000000110000000-00010111111111120010010110101021011001001110111100010100000002211110021001111110110200021021010111111111100111101002011001200110 Neophron_percnopterus_ 00-0110110210101111200212010020100--000101110100001111101101101011002000011101210011110121011011111111110002102110110110110110111111001111011100101110100?11000000110000000-00010111111110020010001110001022001001000110111000010100000001211110121001111110110001020011010111101111100111101102020011000012 Pithecophaga_jeffreyi 011011021120020121111021201?121121020000?1101??1?0110111010?011011??20001111013201111111111011011111??0100021021111101001000100101100010022111100001011101?1001000110010100-001101111110100210100101001110220111110101101?11100001110121012??100021??1?11110110100021120000011110011101101112?02?1110120?11? Spilornis_cheela_ 011011221111010111111021201012011112000011111101001111110101101011012000011111320111110111011001111101010101101111110100110000110110011011111110101111110101000000110010000-00110111111110111010011100101022011001110110111111110100010002211110121011011000110200021121000111110011100101101002211101200110 Terathopius_ecuadatus_ 010011121120010111120011201012011112100011111100001111110101111001012000111111210111111121001101111101010101101111110110110010110111111001101110102111110001000000110010000-001101111101101210100111001010120110111101101001210111100100022??1000210?1011000110101021121000111111011102111101002210011100110 Necrosyrtes_monachus_ 00-0112011200110111001212010020101011001011100-1001111101111101011212010010001211211111021011001111110010102102110110110110100110101011110011100110110210?01010100112001001110100110011100010010010110001102001001110100110101010100010002200100121121110001110000020111010112100111100111101001?21002200010 Torgos_tracheliotus 00-0112001200110111010212010010111011000111010-10001121011110011112120100100012201100110210110011111??110002102110110110110000110101011111111100110110210?010101102121010011100001011111000210100101001010120011010001101?00010101100200022??1001211111110001100000201?10101121?0111100111101002020021000010 Trigonoceps_occipitalis 00-0112001200100111011212000010111011000011010-00001121011111010112120100100012202100110210110011111??110002102110110110110000110111011111111100111110210?010101101121010011001101001111000210100101001011120010010001101100010101100200022??1001201111110100100000201?10101121?0111100111101002020001000010 Gyps_coprotheres_ 00-0????????021011200121200?000011011100012100-0?10211121111101111212010010101111210011021011001111110111-02102100110110110100110100011112011000110111210001000110211111001110100101111101110110010101101102001101100100110100011111020002200100021121111011110100020011010112100121102111101?01?2?????????? Gyps_fulvus_ 00-0112001210210112001212000000011011100012100-00102111211111011112120100101011112100110210110011111101101021021101101101101001101000111120110011101112100010001102111110011101001011111011101100101011011020011011101001?0100011111020002200100021121111011110100020011010112100121102111101001020001202010 Aegypius_monachus_ 00-0112001210211112001212000011011011100111100-0010211101111101111212010010101121210011021011011111110110102102110110110110100110110011112111000110101210001100110211111001110100101111101021110010101101102001001110100111100111111020001200100021121110011110000020011010112110121102111101001020001100010 Sarcogyps_calvus 00-0112001100100111011212000010111011000011010-00001121011111110112120101100012112101110210110111111??110102102110110110110000110101011111111110111110210?011001001120010011101101001111000210100101001011120011010101101?10000101100200022??1001201111110100100000201?10101121?011110011110100202000120?01? Harpia_harpyja 011011020120020121101011201012111102000011101100101112110111110001??20001111013301111101111110011111??010101101110110100110000010110001001111110000000110??10000001100001???001101111111100201100111001110220110110101101?1010001110?211022??100221??1?21010110200021121010011112011110100112?02?1110120?11? Stephanoaetus_coronatus 010011221121020111121021201012112102000011101101101112110111110011??20001111013301111101111110010110??010001101110110100110100010110111001111110000100110?010000001100101???001101111110110211100100001110220110110100001?0011001110?221012??100221??1?21110110100021121110011110011110101112?02?1110121?11? Aquila_audax_ 010011221121010111121021201012111102000011111101101112110111001012002000111101330111111011011001011001010101102110110100100000010110111011111010001100110101001100110010000-0111011111001102111001010011102211{1 2}011110000100011001110012002211110021001020110110200021121120111110011110111102002011101210110 Aquila_chrysaetos_ 010011221121010111121011201012111102000011111101101112110111001012002000111101330111111011111101011001010101102110110101100000000110111011111010001100110101001100110010000-01110111110011021110010100111022111011110000100011001110012002211110021001020111110200021121120011110011110111102202211111210110 Hieraaetus_morphnoides 010011221121010111121011201012111102000011111101101112110211111012002000111101330111110111111101010001010102102110110100100000010110111011111010001100110101000100100010000-01111111110111021110010000111022111011110110120011001110012002211110121001021111110100021121120111110011110111102002011101210110 Hieraaetus_fasciatus_ 010011221121010111121011201012111102000011111101101112110211110011002000111111330111110111011101010001010101101110110100100100010110111011111010001110110101000000100010000-011111111101111---10010000111002111011110110100011000110012001211110121001011010110100021121120011110011110111102002011101210110 Hieraaetus_moorei 01?011121121010011?21011?010121111020000?111110??011121?0???111012??20?0111?013301?1110111??10010110??010?02102110110101100110010110111111101111011110010001000?001000000???0111?1111101?102111001??001?10221110011100{0 1}012001100010002200??111111210010111100102010211211100111110111021?11?2?02?1???????11? Spizaetus_tyrannus_ 01001122---10101----------------11020000-1111--1-?1?????????010011002000011101330111110111011001011001010101101110110100100110000010111001211010001100100101000000100010-00-01110111111111020110011000101022111011110110100011001110012001211110121021021110110100021121110111110011111112102002011101210110 Spizaetus_ornatus_ 010011221121010111121011201-121111020000-1111--1-01112110111010011002000011101330111110111011001011001010101101110110100100110010010111001211010001100010101000000100010100-011101111111110201100100001010221110111101101000111011100120012111101??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Haliaeetus_leucogaster_ 011011121120010111121011201012111102000011001100001112111111011001002000011111320111110111001101111101110001100010110110110100010111111111011111111110110101000100111010000-0011011011011012111011000000102211101111111011111101012001000221110012100100100011011002112001011101101311012211201-011101200110 Haliaeetus_leucocephalus_ 011011121120011011121021201012111102000011001100001112111211010101002100011111330111110111011001011001110002100010110110010100010111111111011111101110110101000000110010000-0011011111011012111011000010102211101111111011111100012001000221110012100100100011011002112001011101101311012211201-011101200110 Haliaeetus_albicilla_ 011011121120010011121021201-120111020000-1001--0001112111101011011002100011111330111111011011001111001110002100010110110010100010111111111011111101111110101000000110010000-0011011011011012111001000010102211101111111011111101012001000221110012100100101011001002112001011101101311012211201-011101200110 Ictinia_mississippiensis__ 011011221020010101110011201012111112000011001100001111110201010012002001012111230111010101101001111001110001101010110110100110001111111011101010011110110101000100110010100-0011011011001012101011000000102011111111111112101100011000000221111012100101110111010002112001011111101310112111201-011111200110 Haliastur_indus_ 010011120110010111111011101?121111120000110011?0?01112111111010001012000011111330011110011001101111001110002100010110110100010001111111111001111111111110101000000110011000-00110111111111021010110000001022111011111110111111(0 1)001100(0 1)00022111101210010110001101000211210101110100131011???????-??11???????? Haliastur_sphenurus_ 010011221120010111121011101012111112000011001??0101112111111011011012000111111330011110011001001111001110002100010110110100010001111111111001111111100110101001000110011000-0011011111111112111010000000102111101111111011101101011001000221111012100101100011010002112101011101001310111211201-011101200110 Milvus_migrans_ 0100111?0020010111110011101012111112000011001100001112111111011012012000011111330111110011111001111001110002100110110110100010011111011111001110111101110101000100110011000-0011011111011012101011000000102001101111111011111111010000000121111002100101100221010002112101011101001310111211201-011101200110 Kaupifalco_monogrammicus 0100112211100101010100112010121121020000110011000011121?0101010011??20010111013401111102111?1??10110???10001101210110110100010111010111011201110111010110??10000001000101???001101111111111210101100001010221110111111111?1011011210?100012??110121??1?11110010100021121110011110010101112112?02?111?120?21? Melierax_metabates 0110112211120201010100112011121121120000110011?0001112110101010012??20000211013300110101011110010110??1100121012101101110011101?0110111001201010110010000??100010010001?1???00110111111101121?10010000001021111111?10111??1011011110?100012??110121??1?11110110100021120010011112011101111102?02?111?????11? Circus_assimilis 010011220010010101010011211012112102000011001??0101112111101010011002000011101330111110111101101010001110002101110110110100100100011111001101120110010010101001100100011000-00110111111011121110110000101022111011111100121011011110012001211110121121021110110100021120010011112010101112112002011101200110 Circus_approximans_ 010011220010010101010011211012112102000011001??0?011121111010100110020000111012301111101111011010100??1100011011101101101011001000111110011011?0110010110101001100??0011000-00110?101110111211101100001010221110111111001?1011011110012001211110121121021110110100021120010011112010101112112002011100200110 Circus_cyaneus_ 010011220110010101010011211012112102000011001100001112111101010012002000011101330111110111101101011001110002101110110110100100100011111001101120010010010101001100100011000-001111101110111211101100001010121110111111001210110111100120012111101211210211101101000211200100111120101011??????02??11???????? Circus_aeruginosus_ 0100112200100101010100112110121121020000110011001011121111010100120020000111013301111101111011010?1001110002101110110110100100100011111001101120010010110101001100100011000-00111110111011121110110000101012111111111100111011110110012001211110121121021110110100021120010011112010101112112002011101200110 Accipiter_fasciatus_ 0110112211100101010000112010121121020000110011000011121102010100120020000221113(3 4)0111010101101100---001110010001210110101101110110011001011201120010010000001000101100011100-00111111111011121110010000001012111111111100101021001211012001211110021021021110110100021120010011112010101112102002011101200110 Accipiter_cooperii_ 011011221110010101010011201012112102000011001110101112111101110012002000022111(2 3)30011010101101100---0??1100100012101101011011101000111010112011?0010010000??1000101??0011100-011111111110111211100100000010221121111111001?1021101211012001211110121021021110110100021120010011112011101112102002011101200110 Accipiter_striatus_ 011011221110010101010011201012112102000011001110101112110101010011002000022111340011010101101100---001110010001210110100100110100011101011201120110010000101000101100010100-01111111111011121110010000001021111111011100121011001210012001211110121021021110110100021120010011112011100112102002011101200110 Accipiter_novaehollandiae_ 01101122111001010101001120101211210200001100111000111211010101001?002000022111330011010101101100---001110010001210110101101110000011101011201021110010010001000101100010100-011111111110111211100100000010221121111111001010110012110120012111101210210211101101000211200100111120111001121?20020111?????110 Accipiter_cirrocephalus_ 0110112?1110010101010011201012112102000011001110101112111101010011002001022111340011010101001100---001110011001210110100100110100011101011201120110010000101000101100010100-01111111111011121110110000001022112111011100121021001211012001211110121021021110110110021120010011112011100112102002011101200110 Accipiter_nisus_ 0110112?1110010101010011201?12112102000011001??0?01112110101010011002001022111340011010101101100---001110011001210110100100110100011101011201120110010010101000101100011100-01111111111011021110110000001021111111111100121011000211012001211110121021021110110110021120010011112011100112102002011101200110 Accipiter_gentilis_ 011011221110010101010011201?12112102000011001111?01112111101010011002000022111330011010101101100---001110010001210110101101110100011111011201020110010000101000101100010100-011111111110111211100100000010221111111111001?1011000211012001211110121021021110110100021120010011112011101212102002011101200110 Erythrotriorchis_radiatus 0100112?1110010101020011201012111112000011001??1001112110111010011??20001111113300110111111010010110??110112101110110101100010110111011011101110010110110??10000001100101???011111111111111211101000000010210110111111001?11111111100100012??100121??1?11010110100021120010011111011111112101?02?1110120?21? Geranospiza_caerulescens 011011??1110010101010011101012111102000011001??01011111?010?110012??21000111113300111101110110010110??1100111011111101000000100111110011112011?0010010000??10000001100100???001111111111111211100100001010221110110011111?012101?010?100022??110020??1?101101101000211200100001110011011?21?2?02?111012??11? Buteo_nitidus 011011221110010101010011201012111102000011001110101112110101111012002000011111330111110111011001011001110111101111110100101010011111101011201120101110110101000100100010100-01110110110111121110010000001022112011111110121011101210010001211110121001021110110100021120020011111011101112102002011101210110 Buteo_rufofuscus_ ???????????????????1001??????211?????????????????????????101????????200001111133011111011101100101100111001110111111011010101001111100101110112010111011010???????????????????????????????????10010000101022112011111110121????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Buteo_lagopus 011011221110010101010011201012111102000011001110101112110101111012002000011111330111110111011001011001110011101111110110101010011111101011101120101110110101000100100010100-01110110111111121110010000001022112011111110121111101210010001211110121001021110110100001120020011111011101112102202211101210110 Buteo_buteo 011011221110010101020011201?121111020000110011?0?01112110101111012002000011111330111110111011001011001110011101111110100101010011111101011101120101110100101000100100010100-01110110111111121110010000001022112011111110121111001210010001211110121001021110110100001120020011111011101112102002011101210110 ; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; TYPESET * UNTITLED = unord: 1- 300; END; BEGIN NOTES; TEXT TAXON = 18 TEXT = 'Note: features differ from specimen ANWC 44373, one or both may be misidentified'; TEXT TAXON = 19 TEXT = Possibly_juvenile; TEXT TAXON = 29 TEXT = prominent_papillae_caudalis; TEXT TAXON = 31 TEXT = possibly_juvenile; TEXT TAXON = 33 TEXT = prominent_papillae_caudalis; TEXT TAXON = 21 CHARACTER = 10 TEXT = sems_to_have_been_shifted_to_distal_position; TEXT TAXON = 46 CHARACTER = 19 TEXT = underdeveloped; TEXT TAXON = 18 CHARACTER = 20 TEXT = partially_fused_over; TEXT TAXON = 26 CHARACTER = 20 TEXT = but_filled_in_with_tendon; TEXT TAXON = 36 CHARACTER = 20 TEXT = partially_fused_over; TEXT TAXON = 37 CHARACTER = 20 TEXT = partially_fused_over; TEXT TAXON = 44 CHARACTER = 20 TEXT = partially_unfused; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 20 TEXT = not_quite_fused; TEXT TAXON = 9 CHARACTER = 23 TEXT = small_spurs_present; TEXT TAXON = 17 CHARACTER = 35 TEXT = but_flattened; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 44 TEXT = exposed; TEXT TAXON = 48 CHARACTER = 46 TEXT = broken; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 47 TEXT = broken; TEXT TAXON = 48 CHARACTER = 47 TEXT = broken; TEXT TAXON = 10 CHARACTER = 63 TEXT = 'deepened area, but not fully open'; TEXT TAXON = 11 CHARACTER = 63 TEXT = 'deepened area, but not fully open'; TEXT TAXON = 34 CHARACTER = 63 TEXT = shallow_fossa; TEXT CHARACTER = 65 TEXT = '0 = present; 1 = absent '; TEXT TAXON = 10 CHARACTER = 69 TEXT = 'could argue either way to be 2 or 3, depending on how you interpret incisura medialis'; TEXT TAXON = 23 CHARACTER = 69 TEXT = See_E._axillaris; TEXT TAXON = 11 CHARACTER = 70 TEXT = but_fused_over; TEXT TAXON = 32 CHARACTER = 78 TEXT = caudolateral_extreme_fossa_sternocoracoidei; TEXT TAXON = 18 CHARACTER = 80 TEXT = 'seems to extend to 5 on one side, but 4 on the other'; TEXT TAXON = 30 CHARACTER = 81 TEXT = fused_over; TEXT TAXON = 27 CHARACTER = 83 TEXT = but_fused_over; TEXT TAXON = 42 CHARACTER = 83 TEXT = fused_over; TEXT TAXON = 18 CHARACTER = 85 TEXT = but_only_marginally; TEXT TAXON = 36 CHARACTER = 91 TEXT = fused_over; TEXT CHARACTER = 92 TEXT = '0 = absent; 1 = present'; TEXT TAXON = 18 CHARACTER = 92 TEXT = pneumaticised; TEXT CHARACTER = 93 TEXT = '0 = low projection; 1 = distinct projection'; TEXT CHARACTER = 94 TEXT = '0 = absent; 1 = present on ventral facies; 2 = present on medial facies'; TEXT CHARACTER = 96 TEXT = '0 = absent, 1 = present '; TEXT CHARACTER = 97 TEXT = '0 = close to base of processus procoracoideus, 1 = in rostral half of procoracoideus'; TEXT TAXON = 30 CHARACTER = 97 TEXT = but_closer_than_others; TEXT TAXON = 31 CHARACTER = 97 TEXT = see_above; TEXT CHARACTER = 98 TEXT = '0 = large, takes up at least half of shaft length until top of impressio m. sternocoracoidei (see Falco berigora); 1 = small, takes up ? or less of shaft length'; TEXT CHARACTER = 99 TEXT = '0 = open; 1 = enclosed'; TEXT CHARACTER = 100 TEXT = '0 = absent; 1 = present'; SU T = 5 C = 101 N = color I = 5; SU T = 5 C = 102 N = color I = 5; TEXT CHARACTER = 103 TEXT = '0 = bounded by a thick border; 1 = no border present'; TEXT TAXON = 32 CHARACTER = 103 TEXT = sort_of_intermediate; TEXT CHARACTER = 104 TEXT = '0 = ventral; 1 = dorsal'; TEXT CHARACTER = 105 TEXT = '0 = present; 1 = absent'; TEXT CHARACTER = 106 TEXT = '0 = deep, pneumatic holes extend well into shaft; 1 = shallow, mildly pneumatised, barely goes past facies of sulcus'; TEXT CHARACTER = 107 TEXT = '0 = triangular; 1 = rectangular'; TEXT CHARACTER = 108 TEXT = '0 = medial; 1 = central; 2 = lateral'; TEXT CHARACTER = 109 TEXT = '0 = absent; 1 = present'; TEXT CHARACTER = 110 TEXT = '0 = shallow; 1 = deep'; TEXT CHARACTER = 111 TEXT = '0 = long and short; 1 = short and projecting (see Accipiter fasciatus); 2 = long and narrow'; TEXT CHARACTER = 112 TEXT = '0 = short, robust, 1 = elongate, narrow, 2 = moderate'; TEXT CHARACTER = 113 TEXT = '0 = non-projecting, barely extends past lateral-most point of facies articularis sternalis; 1 = well projecting, extends distinctly past lateral-most point of facies articularis sternalis'; TEXT CHARACTER = 114 TEXT = '0 = distal edge of process at less than 30 degrees compared to edge of facies articularis sternalis; 1 = distal edge of process at noticeable angle (30 degrees plus) compared to edge of f.a.s.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 115 TEXT = '0 = narrow, consistent width with rest of facies; 1 = widened into a flange at angulus medialis end'; TEXT TAXON = 7 CHARACTER = 116 TEXT = 'Unusual, may need to modify states'; TEXT CHARACTER = 117 TEXT = '0 = absent, 1 = present (see Coragyps atratus B36873)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 118 TEXT = '0 = enlarged, highly elevated off facies; 1 = slightly projecting; 2 = flat '; TEXT CHARACTER = 119 TEXT = '0 = distal to; 1 = aligned with'; TEXT CHARACTER = 120 TEXT = ': 0 = shallow; 1 = deep, makes very distinct impression into bone'; TEXT CHARACTER = 121 TEXT = '0 = surface inflated in rounded mound; 1 = surface flattened or slightly concave'; TEXT CHARACTER = 122 TEXT = '0 = narrowed, half-oval; 1 = broadened, half-circular '; TEXT CHARACTER = 123 TEXT = '0 = little differentiation/shallow; 1 = distinct/deep'; TEXT CHARACTER = 124 TEXT = '0 = elevated on crus ventrale fossa; 1 = not prominent on surface'; TEXT CHARACTER = 125 TEXT = '0 = shallow, no excavation present; 1 = secondarily deepened'; TEXT CHARACTER = 126 TEXT = '0 = thin; 1 = thick'; TEXT CHARACTER = 127 TEXT = '): 0 = quite large and round, width approximately equal to incisura capitas; 1 = small, oval shaped and narrow (see Circus assimilis)'; TEXT TAXON = 32 CHARACTER = 127 TEXT = fix_definition; TEXT CHARACTER = 128 TEXT = '0 = well defined, distinct shape; 1 = faint, poorly defined '; TEXT CHARACTER = 129 TEXT = '0 = level or positioned just below distal end of crista bicipitalis; 1 = positioned well below distal end of crista bicipitalis'; TEXT CHARACTER = 130 TEXT = '0 = concave ; 1 = flat'; TEXT CHARACTER = 131 TEXT = '0 = obtuse; 1 = sharp '; TEXT TAXON = 7 CHARACTER = 131 TEXT = but_possibly_exaggerated_by_overgrowth_of_bone; TEXT CHARACTER = 132 TEXT = '0 = perpendicular; 1 = parallel'; TEXT CHARACTER = 133 TEXT = '0 = 45 degrees or less; 1 = greater than 45 degrees'; TEXT CHARACTER = 134 TEXT = '0 = in proximal half of crista, quite deep; 1 = in proximal half of crista, shallow; 2 = no sulcus'; TEXT CHARACTER = 135 TEXT = '0 = long, thin line; 1 = robust, slightly ovular scar; 2 = shortened, curled over line (see Falco berigora, Pandion haliaetus)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 136 TEXT = '0 = long, extends level with base of crista bicipitalis; 1 = short, ends well before base of crista bicipitalis '; TEXT CHARACTER = 137 TEXT = '0 = little flaring, terminates close to shaft; 1 = forms distoventrally convex flange'; TEXT CHARACTER = 138 TEXT = '0 = absent; 1 = present'; TEXT TAXON = 31 CHARACTER = 138 TEXT = worn; TEXT CHARACTER = 139 TEXT = '0 = straight, little or none; 1 = slightly sigmoid; 2 = markedly sigmoid (see Accipiter fasciatus)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 140 TEXT = '0 = faint, poorly defined line down shaft; 1 = distinct line down shaft'; TEXT CHARACTER = 141 TEXT = '0=less than 25%; 1 = more than 25% (broad). '; TEXT TAXON = 10 CHARACTER = 141 TEXT = '7.77/11.56 '; TEXT TAXON = 11 CHARACTER = 141 TEXT = '8.32/12.55'; TEXT TAXON = 12 CHARACTER = 141 TEXT = '4.22/7.01'; TEXT TAXON = 16 CHARACTER = 141 TEXT = '9.151/13.78'; TEXT TAXON = 17 CHARACTER = 141 TEXT = '13.05/17.99'; TEXT TAXON = 18 CHARACTER = 141 TEXT = '11.12/16.41'; TEXT TAXON = 19 CHARACTER = 141 TEXT = '14.45/20.28'; TEXT TAXON = 23 CHARACTER = 141 TEXT = '15.49/23.481'; TEXT TAXON = 26 CHARACTER = 141 TEXT = '19.15/26.34'; TEXT TAXON = 30 CHARACTER = 141 TEXT = '28.82/42.41'; TEXT TAXON = 31 CHARACTER = 141 TEXT = '30.43/43.51'; TEXT TAXON = 32 CHARACTER = 141 TEXT = '24.59/36.56'; TEXT TAXON = 36 CHARACTER = 141 TEXT = '20.83/31.99'; TEXT CHARACTER = 142 TEXT = '0 = protrudes caudally out from shaft (Aquila); 1 = caudal protrusion reduced/flattened (Haliaeetus)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 143 TEXT = '0 =small, does not project past condylus ventralis; 1 = medium, equal with condylus ventralis; 2 = large, projects past condyles ventralis'; TEXT CHARACTER = 144 TEXT = '0 = base well rounded (Aquila); 1 = base less round/flattened (Haliaeetus)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 145 TEXT = '0 = large (equal to or greater than size of gap); 1 = small (less than size of gap )'; TEXT CHARACTER = 146 TEXT = '0 = deep; 1 = shallow'; TEXT CHARACTER = 147 TEXT = '0 = barely projecting dorsad of condyle; 1 = projecting noticeably dorsal from condyle '; TEXT CHARACTER = 148 TEXT = '0 = shallow (see Aquila); 1 = deep and defined (see Haliaeetus); 2 = secondary deepening within fossa (see Falco berigora)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 149 TEXT = '0 = quite circular (see Aquila); 1 = ovoid, not as well defined (see Haliaeetus)'; SU C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 4 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 5 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 6 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 7 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 8 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 9 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 10 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 11 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 12 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 13 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 14 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 15 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 16 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 17 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 18 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 19 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 20 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 21 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 22 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 23 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 24 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 25 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 26 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 27 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 28 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 29 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 30 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 31 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 32 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 33 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 34 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 35 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 36 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 37 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 38 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 39 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 40 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 41 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 42 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 43 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 44 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 45 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 46 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 47 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 48 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 49 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 50 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 51 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 52 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 53 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 54 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 55 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 56 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 57 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 58 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 59 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 60 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 61 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 62 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 63 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 64 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 65 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 66 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 67 C = 149 N = color I = 5; SU T = 68 C = 149 N = color I = 5; TEXT CHARACTER = 150 TEXT = '0 = shallow; 1 = deep'; TEXT CHARACTER = 151 TEXT = ' 0 = distant, intervening shaft very broad (1/2 width of fossa (see Falco berigora B55604); 1 = moderate separation, intervening area 1/4 width of fossa; 2 = narrow separation <1/4 width of fossa (see Aegypius monachus R 553)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 152 TEXT = '0 = curving laterally towards shaft edge; 1 = curving medially.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 153 TEXT = '0 = little or none; 1 = highly pneumatic, fossae large '; TEXT CHARACTER = 156 TEXT = '0 = crests; 1 = tuberosities or single tubercule'; TEXT CHARACTER = 157 TEXT = '0 = absent or small; 1 = present (conspicuous)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 158 TEXT = '0 = absent; 1 = present '; TEXT CHARACTER = 159 TEXT = '0 = shallow, little deepening in towards proximal end; 1 = well deepened'; TEXT CHARACTER = 160 TEXT = '0 = rounded; 1 = pointed'; TEXT CHARACTER = 161 TEXT = '0 = absent; 1 = present'; TEXT CHARACTER = 162 TEXT = '0 = rounded; 1 = pointed'; TEXT CHARACTER = 163 TEXT = '0 = below rim of processus cotyla dorsalis (see Pandion); 1 = level with rim of processus cotyla dorsalis (see Milvus migrans)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 164 TEXT = '0 = shallow, slight indentation; 1 = deep, distinct indentation (see Milvus migrans)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 165 TEXT = '0 = undifferentiated from rest of tuberculum; 1 = differentiated (flat facies); 2 = differentiated (shallow fossa )'; TEXT CHARACTER = 166 TEXT = '0 = absent; 1 = present'; TEXT CHARACTER = 167 TEXT = '0 = shallow; 1 = deep'; TEXT CHARACTER = 168 TEXT = '0 = distinct, prominent in ventral aspect; 1 = reduced or absent'; TEXT CHARACTER = 169 TEXT = '0 = straight, little or none; 1 = distinct, especially proximally (see Accipiter fasciatus)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 173 TEXT = '0 = absent; 1 = present'; TEXT TAXON = 6 CHARACTER = 173 TEXT = but_deepened_fossa_present; TEXT CHARACTER = 174 TEXT = '0 = obtuse (roughly 120?); 1 = right angle (roughly 90?)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 175 TEXT = '0 = present ; 1 = absent'; TEXT CHARACTER = 176 TEXT = '0 = present; 1 absent'; TEXT TAXON = 32 CHARACTER = 176 TEXT = 'present on right, but not left'; TEXT CHARACTER = 177 TEXT = '0 = concave; 1 = flat'; TEXT CHARACTER = 178 TEXT = '0 = equivalent; 1 = extends below process'; TEXT TAXON = 43 CHARACTER = 178 TEXT = truncated; TEXT CHARACTER = 179 TEXT = '0 = present; 1 = absent'; TEXT CHARACTER = 180 TEXT = '0 = absent; 1 = present'; TEXT CHARACTER = 181 TEXT = '0 = present; 1 = absent'; TEXT CHARACTER = 182 TEXT = '0 = long, greater than proximal width of carpometacarpus; 1 = short, equal or less than proximal width'; TEXT CHARACTER = 183 TEXT = '0 = flattened; 1 = arched caudally.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 184 TEXT = '0 = greatly projecting; 1 = slightly projecting; 2 = roughly level'; TEXT CHARACTER = 185 TEXT = '0 = flattened; 1 = forms prominent peak'; TEXT TAXON = 12 CHARACTER = 185 TEXT = 'state 1 = Pandion'; TEXT CHARACTER = 186 TEXT = '0 = projects weakly cranially in low angle; 1= protrudes out strongly cranially in steep angle'; TEXT CHARACTER = 187 TEXT = '0 = short, less than width of spatium intermetacarpale; 1 = long, equal or greater than width of spatium intermetacarpale'; TEXT CHARACTER = 188 TEXT = '0 = not projecting in cranial view, 1 = partially projecting in cranial view (rounded or low prominence), 2 = strongly projecting in cranial view (both ends visible, pointed edges)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 189 TEXT = '0 = low profile of inner edge; 1 = distinct inner edge projecting ventrally'; TEXT CHARACTER = 190 TEXT = '0 = shallow or slight; 1 = deep, distinct '; TEXT CHARACTER = 192 TEXT = '0 = ala preacetabularis ilii long, well differentiated from ala postacetabularis ilii; 1 = ala preacetabularis ilii short, little differentiation from ala postacetabularis ilii'; TEXT CHARACTER = 193 TEXT = '0 = close set or touching; 1 = separated '; TEXT CHARACTER = 194 TEXT = '0 = open; 1 = partially or completely closed.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 195 TEXT = '0 = flat or slightly grooved; 1 = inflated'; TEXT CHARACTER = 196 TEXT = '0 = laterally expanded; 1 = retracted/withdrawn'; TEXT CHARACTER = 197 TEXT = '0 = shallow; 1 = deep'; TEXT CHARACTER = 198 TEXT = '0 = absent; 1 = present'; TEXT CHARACTER = 199 TEXT = '0 = shallow; 1 = deep'; TEXT CHARACTER = 200 TEXT = '0 = shallow; 1 = deep'; TEXT CHARACTER = 201 TEXT = '0 = open, confluent to ischiopubica fenestra; 1 = closed'; TEXT CHARACTER = 202 TEXT = '0 = absent; 1 = present (slight, see Pandion haliaetus), 2 = present (pronounced, see Coragyps atratus)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 203 TEXT = '0 = abruptly strikes out in 45? angle line before turning inwards (forms a right angle ?L? shape, Falco berigora); 1 = forms a gradually angled line that follows outward towards edges of ala postacetabularis (Pandion haliaetus); 2 = roughly forms a straight line following proximally up pelvis (Aquila audax)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 204 TEXT = '0 = thin struts, attaches to ventral surface of ala postacetabulum ilii; 1 = thin struts, forms a thin bridge attaching directly to ventral side of antitrochanter; 2 = thick struts, forms robust bridge attaching directly to ventral side of antitrochanter'; TEXT CHARACTER = 205 TEXT = '0 = high, 1 = low'; TEXT CHARACTER = 206 TEXT = '0 = distinct depression, 1 = shallow or absent'; TEXT CHARACTER = 207 TEXT = '0 = none, 1 = one, 2 = two'; TEXT CHARACTER = 208 TEXT = '0 = shallow or no depression, 1 = deep, distinct impression'; TEXT CHARACTER = 209 TEXT = '0 = lateral, 1 = medial'; TEXT TAXON = 40 CHARACTER = 209 TEXT = but_hard_to_see_on_cast; TEXT CHARACTER = 210 TEXT = '0 = overhanging; 1 = not overhanging'; TEXT CHARACTER = 211 TEXT = ': 0 = set high in caput femoris, small and circular (see Falco berigora), 1 = set low in caput femoris, large and ovular'; SU C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 5 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 6 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 7 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 8 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 9 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 10 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 11 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 12 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 14 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 15 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 16 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 17 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 18 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 19 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 20 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 22 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 23 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 25 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 26 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 27 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 30 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 31 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 32 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 36 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 37 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 38 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 39 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 40 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 41 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 42 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 43 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 44 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 45 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 46 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 47 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 48 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 49 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 52 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 53 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 54 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 55 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 56 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 57 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 58 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 59 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 60 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 61 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 62 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 65 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 66 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 67 C = 211 N = color I = 5; SU T = 68 C = 211 N = color I = 5; TEXT CHARACTER = 212 TEXT = '0 = short, 1 = extended out to the side'; TEXT CHARACTER = 213 TEXT = '0 = absent, shaft rounded over caudal-medial transition; 1 = present.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 214 TEXT = '0 = deep and distinct, 1 = shallow'; TEXT CHARACTER = 215 TEXT = '0 = deep, 1 = shallow'; TEXT CHARACTER = 216 TEXT = '0 = large, 1 = small'; TEXT CHARACTER = 217 TEXT = '0 = connected by bridge of bone proximally, 1 = no connection, condyles completely separate'; TEXT TAXON = 49 CHARACTER = 218 TEXT = slightly_triangular; TEXT CHARACTER = 219 TEXT = '0 = shallow, 1 = moderately deep, 2 = very deep , (see Pandion)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 220 TEXT = '0 = straight, 1 = convex proximally'; TEXT CHARACTER = 221 TEXT = '): 0 = proximal, 1 = coinciding, 2 = caudal'; TEXT CHARACTER = 222 TEXT = '0 = short, but markedly projects from shaft, 1 = long, but little cranial projection.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 223 TEXT = '0 = shallow, 1 = deep, distinct fossa in shaft adjacent to facies articularis.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 224 TEXT = '0 = deep, 1 = shallow or none.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 225 TEXT = '0 = shallow, faint impression into proximal articular surface, 1 = deep, distinct impression'; TEXT CHARACTER = 226 TEXT = '0 = perpendicular, 1 = oblique, 2 = nearly parallel'; TEXT CHARACTER = 227 TEXT = '0 = shallow, 1 = deep, 2 = very deep'; TEXT CHARACTER = 228 TEXT = '0 = shallow, 1 = deep'; TEXT CHARACTER = 230 TEXT = '0 = vestigial, 1 = developed, 2 = robust'; TEXT CHARACTER = 231 TEXT = '0 = shallow, 1 = deep (u-shape), 2 = deep (v-shape)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 232 TEXT = '0 = flat, 1 = grooved'; TEXT CHARACTER = 233 TEXT = '0 = 2, 1 =3 (as per falconids eg Falco berigora)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 234 TEXT = '0 = equal, 1 = lateral condyle more proximal, 2 = medial condyle more proximal'; TEXT CHARACTER = 235 TEXT = '0 = deeper than wide, 1 = depth equals width, 2 = depth less than width.'; TEXT TAXON = 16 CHARACTER = 235 TEXT = '6.13/8.34'; TEXT TAXON = 17 CHARACTER = 235 TEXT = '7.99/11.13'; TEXT TAXON = 18 CHARACTER = 235 TEXT = '6.88/9.61'; TEXT TAXON = 19 CHARACTER = 235 TEXT = '8.95/12.94'; TEXT TAXON = 9 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '11.5/5.2'; TEXT TAXON = 10 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '4.4/3.8'; TEXT TAXON = 11 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '4.8/3.7'; TEXT TAXON = 14 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '3.6/2.7'; TEXT TAXON = 15 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '3.8/2.9'; TEXT TAXON = 17 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '6.2/3.3'; TEXT TAXON = 18 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '5.4/3.6'; TEXT TAXON = 19 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '6.1/4.0'; TEXT TAXON = 25 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '6.2/5.1'; TEXT TAXON = 26 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '9.5/6.5'; TEXT TAXON = 27 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '7.2/4.8'; TEXT TAXON = 30 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '14.1/8.3'; TEXT TAXON = 31 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '14.8/7.6'; TEXT TAXON = 32 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '10.7/6.2'; TEXT TAXON = 36 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '10.8/7.6'; TEXT TAXON = 37 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '12.1/9.8'; TEXT TAXON = 38 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '6.1/4.5'; TEXT TAXON = 39 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '8.3/6.1'; TEXT TAXON = 41 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '7.5/5.3'; TEXT TAXON = 42 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '8.7/6.0'; TEXT TAXON = 43 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '9.8/7.6'; TEXT TAXON = 44 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '12.0/8.3'; TEXT TAXON = 45 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '12.8/9.3'; TEXT TAXON = 46 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '3.7/2.4'; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '5.3/3.6'; TEXT TAXON = 48 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '5.4/4.0'; TEXT TAXON = 49 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '5.3/3.4'; TEXT TAXON = 52 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '6.3/3.9'; TEXT TAXON = 55 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '5.3/3.4'; TEXT TAXON = 56 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '5.1/3.9'; TEXT TAXON = 62 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '6.7/4.8'; TEXT TAXON = 65 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '5.4/3.5'; TEXT TAXON = 67 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '5.9/4.1'; TEXT TAXON = 68 CHARACTER = 236 TEXT = '6.2/4.4'; TEXT TAXON = 9 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '10.1/5.8'; TEXT TAXON = 10 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '4.7/3.0'; TEXT TAXON = 11 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '4.6/3.2'; TEXT TAXON = 14 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '3.8/3.1'; TEXT TAXON = 15 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '4.3/3.3'; TEXT TAXON = 17 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '6.3/4.0'; TEXT TAXON = 18 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '5.9/3.7'; TEXT TAXON = 19 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '7.0/4.2'; TEXT TAXON = 25 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '5.8/4.3'; TEXT TAXON = 26 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '8.5/5.4'; TEXT TAXON = 27 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '8.9/5.7'; TEXT TAXON = 30 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '16.1/9.6'; TEXT TAXON = 31 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '17.1/9.9'; TEXT TAXON = 32 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '13.3/7.2'; TEXT TAXON = 36 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '10.6/6.4'; TEXT TAXON = 37 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '11.4/7.3'; TEXT TAXON = 38 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '5.4/3.5'; TEXT TAXON = 39 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '8.3/5.2'; TEXT TAXON = 41 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '7.1/5.0'; TEXT TAXON = 42 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '8.2/4.7'; TEXT TAXON = 43 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '9.8/6.4'; TEXT TAXON = 44 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '11.4./6.9'; TEXT TAXON = 45 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '14.7/8.0'; TEXT TAXON = 46 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '3.5/2.7'; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '5.3/3.4'; TEXT TAXON = 48 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '5.2/3.7'; TEXT TAXON = 49 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '5.9/3.4'; TEXT TAXON = 52 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '7.0/4.1'; TEXT TAXON = 55 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '6.9/3.7'; TEXT TAXON = 56 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '5.1/3.2'; TEXT TAXON = 62 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '7.3/4.8'; TEXT TAXON = 65 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '5.6/3.5'; TEXT TAXON = 67 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '6.5/3.7'; TEXT TAXON = 68 CHARACTER = 237 TEXT = '6.3/4.2'; TEXT CHARACTER = 238 TEXT = '0 = projects markedly from condyle (Falco berigora), 1 = no projection'; TEXT CHARACTER = 239 TEXT = '0 = set close to proximal side of pons supratendineus, 1 = set well proximal to pons supratendineus'; TEXT TAXON = 17 CHARACTER = 239 TEXT = 'multiple marks, could be close or proximal'; TEXT CHARACTER = 240 TEXT = ': 0 = set adjacent to distal pons supratendineus bridge, 1 = well offset distally from pons supratendineus bridge (Pandion haliaetus)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 241 TEXT = '0 = strongly projecting, forms rough 90? angle between main shaft and condyle, 1 = strongly projecting, flat line, 2 = weakly projecting'; TEXT CHARACTER = 242 TEXT = '0 = fully overlapping, 1 = partial overlap, cristae approach one another plantarly and join at some points but do not form a complete bridge over the length of the cristae (see Aviceda subcristata and Pernis apivorus), 2 = no overlap, sulcus hypotarsi completely open.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 243 TEXT = '0 = crista medialis flexor digitorum longus and crista lateralis flexor hallucis longus of roughly equal length, 1 = crista medialis flexor digitorum longus distinctly longer than crista lateralis flexor hallucis longus'; TEXT CHARACTER = 246 TEXT = '0 = sulcus hypotarsi set well plantar of cotylae (see Coragyps atratus), 1 = sulcus hypotarsi in line or close to cotylae '; TEXT CHARACTER = 248 TEXT = '0 = absent, 1 = present (shallow), 2 = present (deep)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 249 TEXT = '0 = reduced or absent, 1 = distinct, forms short, shallow sulcus (does not extend below hypotarsus), 2 = very long sulcus (extends to at least halfway down shaft), deepened and broad (see Pandion haliaetus)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 250 TEXT = '0 = shallow, almost flattened surface level with rest of shaft, 1 = deep, distinct fossa'; TEXT CHARACTER = 251 TEXT = '0 = prominent tuberosity, 1 = indistinct scar, no prominence.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 252 TEXT = '0 = depth greater than length, 1 = depth equal to length, 2 = depth lesser than length'; TEXT CHARACTER = 253 TEXT = '0 = short, barely projects from crista 1 = long, projects distinctly from crista '; TEXT CHARACTER = 254 TEXT = '0 = in line with outer edge of cotyla medialis, 1 = in line with centre of cotyla medialis, 2 = centred proximally between cotylae (see Falco berigora)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 255 TEXT = '0 = flattened, barely distinct, 1= pointed, notably protruding, 2 = hyperprotruding , stands well above cotyla (see Coragyps atratus)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 256 TEXT = '0 = proximal, 1 = coinciding, 2 = distal'; TEXT CHARACTER = 257 TEXT = '0 = medial to crista medianoplantaris, 1 = lateral to crista medianoplantaris'; TEXT CHARACTER = 258 TEXT = '0 = small, pinhole like, 1 = large, distinct holes'; TEXT CHARACTER = 259 TEXT = '0 = both foramina open plantarly, 1 = foramina lateralis closed plantarly, 2 = foramina medialis closed plantarly '; TEXT CHARACTER = 260 TEXT = '0 = deep, 1 = shallow'; TEXT CHARACTER = 261 TEXT = '0 = absent, 1 = present (open), 2 = present (enclosed)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 262 TEXT = '0 = barely visible or none, 1 = very distinct protuberance from shaft'; TEXT CHARACTER = 264 TEXT = '0 = elongate ridge, 1 = single bump, roughly circular or semi-ovular'; TEXT CHARACTER = 265 TEXT = '0 = abutting foramina, 1 = set just below foramina, 2 = set more than one tuberositas length down from foramina'; TEXT CHARACTER = 266 TEXT = '0 = offset laterally, located distal to lateral foramen (see Falco berigora), 1 = set roughly central in shaft, between foramina (but see Elanus scriptus for unusual foramina positions), 2 = offset medially, located distal to medial foramen.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 267 TEXT = '0 = 1; 1 = 2'; TEXT CHARACTER = 268 TEXT = '0 = distinct, noticeable groove between outer shaft edge and tuberositas, 1 = indistinct, flattened '; TEXT CHARACTER = 269 TEXT = '0 = little to no compression, strictly lateral position; 1 = strong compression (concave), facies encroaching into mid-section of shaft'; TEXT CHARACTER = 271 TEXT = '0 = not merged (see Pandion haliaetus), 1 = merge close to proximal end, 2 = merge roughly halfway along the shaft or more distal.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 272 TEXT = '0 = medial crista well-developed and lateral one short, sulcus shallow, 1 = medial crista short and low, lateral crista well-developed, sulcus shallow, 2 = medial and lateral cristae well-developed, sulcus deep'; TEXT CHARACTER = 273 TEXT = '0 = ends more proximally, 1 = ends equidistant with, 2 = ends distally to.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 275 TEXT = '0 = located on the medial edge of the shaft, 1 = on plantar facies well-separated from medial edge.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 276 TEXT = '0 = all roughly equal, 1 = trochlea metatarsi IV ends proximal totrochlea metatarsi III aned IV which have equal distal extent, 2 = trochlea metatarsi IV has least distal extent and trochlea metatarsi II the most distal projection.'; TEXT CHARACTER = 277 TEXT = '0 = strongly projecting plantarly, 1 = projecting latero-plantarly, 2 = no projection'; TEXT CHARACTER = 278 TEXT = '0 = short, or non-existent, 1 = moderately long, slight flange extending out from trochlea plantarly, 2 = very long, flange strongly projecting out from trochlea plantarly (see Pandion)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 279 TEXT = '0 = absent, distal facies parallel, 1 = present, distal facies oblique'; TEXT CHARACTER = 280 TEXT = '0 = ? width or less (see Falco berigora), 1 = between ? to equal width, 2 = greater width (see Aviceda subcristata)'; TEXT CHARACTER = 281 TEXT = '0 = absent, 1 = present, slightly protruding, 2 = present, highly protruding (see Haliaeetus, Haliastur, Milvus)'; TEXT TAXON = 46 CHARACTER = 281 TEXT = obscured; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 281 TEXT = obscured; TEXT CHARACTER = 282 TEXT = '0 = absent, 1 = present, slight projection, 2 = present, large projection'; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 282 TEXT = obscured; TEXT CHARACTER = 283 TEXT = '0 = largely straight, vertical line (see Pernis, Aviceda), 1 = sloping outward in slight angle'; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 283 TEXT = obscured; TEXT CHARACTER = 284 TEXT = '0 = small, 1 = large'; TEXT TAXON = 46 CHARACTER = 284 TEXT = obscured; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 284 TEXT = obscured; TEXT CHARACTER = 285 TEXT = '0 = smallest, least robust (Coragyps atratus), 1 = slightly larger and more robust than largest phalanges on other digits (Falco berigora), 2 = significantly larger and more robust than any other phalanx (Aquila audax)'; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 285 TEXT = obscured; TEXT CHARACTER = 287 TEXT = '): 0 = absent, 1 = present'; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 287 TEXT = obscured; TEXT CHARACTER = 288 TEXT = '0 = one as long as, or slightly longer than, two (Coragyps atratus), 1 = one shortened, roughly half the length of two (Falco berigora), 2 = one greatly shortened, compressed cube less than half the length of two (Aquila audax)'; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 288 TEXT = obscured; TEXT CHARACTER = 290 TEXT = '0 = equal in size (Coragyps atratus), 1 = 3 larger than 2'; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 290 TEXT = obscured; TEXT CHARACTER = 291 TEXT = '0 = absent, 1 = present'; TEXT CHARACTER = 292 TEXT = '0 = rounded, 1 = sharp/pointed'; TEXT CHARACTER = 293 TEXT = '0 = higher than wide, 1 = equal height to width; 2 = wider than high '; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 293 TEXT = obscured; TEXT CHARACTER = 294 TEXT = '0 = medial side larger than lateral, 1 = complete or almost complete symmetry, 2 = lateral side larger than medial'; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 294 TEXT = obscured; TEXT CHARACTER = 295 TEXT = '0 = wider than long, 1 = longer than wide'; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 295 TEXT = obscured; TEXT CHARACTER = 296 TEXT = '0 = absent, 1 = present'; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 296 TEXT = obscured; TEXT CHARACTER = 298 TEXT = '0 = as long as, or slightly longer, than 4 (Coragyps atratus), 1 = slightly shorter than 4 (2/3 to ? length, see Aquila audax), 2 = considerably shorter than 4 (1/3 or less, see Falco berigora)'; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 298 TEXT = obscured; TEXT TAXON = 48 CHARACTER = 298 TEXT = absent; TEXT CHARACTER = 299 TEXT = '0 = slightly shorter than 4 (Coragyps atratus), 1 = greatly shorter than 4, almost cube-shaped (Accipitridae, Falconidae)'; TEXT TAXON = 47 CHARACTER = 299 TEXT = obscured; TEXT TAXON = 48 CHARACTER = 299 TEXT = absent; END; BEGIN MESQUITECHARMODELS; ProbModelSet * UNTITLED = 'Mk1 (est.)': 1- 300; END; Begin MESQUITE; MESQUITESCRIPTVERSION 2; TITLE AUTO; tell ProjectCoordinator; timeSaved 1620357229802; getEmployee #mesquite.minimal.ManageTaxa.ManageTaxa; tell It; setID 0 8254435016861098985; tell It; setDefaultOrder 0 1 2 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 30 41 43 42 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 57 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 74 70 71 75 76 74 73; attachments ; endTell; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters; tell It; setID 0 9165035845745529541; tell It; setDefaultOrder 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 67 65 66 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 98 97 102 100 100 102 103 104 105 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 155 155 152 153 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 239 239 240 241 242 243 251 247 245 250 248 251 252 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 265 266 267 268 263 268 269 272 273 274 277 270 277 278 279 274 279 280 281 283 284 285 288 289 290 293 296 291 296 297 294 297 298 299 300 301 304 310 302 310 311 308; attachments ; endTell; mqVersion 361; checksumv 0 3 326119787 null getNumChars 300 numChars 300 getNumTaxa 68 numTaxa 68 short true bits 2305843009213693983 states 31 sumSquaresStatesOnly 78511.0 sumSquares -1.383505805528211E19 longCompressibleToShort false usingShortMatrix true NumFiles 1 NumMatrices 1; mqVersion; endTell; getWindow; tell It; suppress; setResourcesState false false 100; setPopoutState 300; setExplanationSize 0; setAnnotationSize 0; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1366 649; setLocation -8 -8; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; endTell; desuppress; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowCoord.BasicDataWindowCoord; tell It; showDataWindow #9165035845745529541 #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindowMaker; tell It; getWindow; tell It; getTable; tell It; rowNamesWidth 215; endTell; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1266 577; setLocation -8 -8; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam; endTell; setActive; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam; colorCells #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorByState.ColorByState; tell It; setStateLimit 9; toggleUniformMaximum on; endTell; colorRowNames #mesquite.charMatrices.TaxonGroupColor.TaxonGroupColor; colorColumnNames #mesquite.charMatrices.CharGroupColor.CharGroupColor; colorText #mesquite.charMatrices.NoColor.NoColor; setBackground White; toggleShowNames off; toggleShowTaxonNames on; toggleTight off; toggleThinRows off; toggleShowChanges on; toggleSeparateLines off; toggleShowStates on; toggleReduceCellBorders off; toggleAutoWCharNames on; toggleAutoTaxonNames off; toggleShowDefaultCharNames on; toggleConstrainCW on; toggleBirdsEye off; toggleShowPaleGrid off; toggleShowPaleCellColors off; toggleShowPaleExcluded off; togglePaleInapplicable on; togglePaleMissing off; toggleShowBoldCellText off; toggleAllowAutosize on; toggleColorsPanel off; toggleDiagonal on; setDiagonalHeight 80; toggleLinkedScrolling on; toggleScrollLinkedTables off; getInfoPanel; tell It; btspOpen true; apOpen true; fpOpen true; endTell; toggleInfoPanel on; endTell; showWindow; getWindow; tell It; forceAutosize; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AlterData.AlterData; tell It; toggleBySubmenus off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorCells.ColorCells; tell It; setColor Red; removeColor off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.StateNamesStrip.StateNamesStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AnnotPanel.AnnotPanel; tell It; togglePanel off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.CharReferenceStrip.CharReferenceStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.QuickKeySelector.QuickKeySelector; tell It; autotabOff; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.SelSummaryStrip.SelSummaryStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.SmallStateNamesEditor.SmallStateNamesEditor; tell It; panelOpen true; endTell; endTell; endTell; endTell; end;