ZOOTAXA ISSN 1175-5326 (Print Edition) & ISSN 1175-5334 (Online Edition)
A mega-journal for zoological taxonomists in the world

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Standing order

This series is published daily (except weekends and public holidays). Standing order is the preferred option.

Zootaxa issues for 2016

Option 1: All issues  Online edition                                       US$ 6,000 (world wide)

Option 2  All  issues  Online edition + Print edition              US$ 14,400 (world wide)
                                                                                                  ($12,500 + Postage $1,900)


Zootaxa issues for 2015

Option 1: All issues  Online edition                                       US$ 5,720 (world wide)

Option 2  All  issues  Online edition + Print edition              US$ 13,500 (world wide)
                                                                                                  ($12,000 + Postage $1,500)

Zootaxa 2001–2014 issues

Online edition
2001 US$     30.00 (total 20 issues in 302 pages)
2002 US$   250.00 (total 107 issues in 2445 pages)
2003 US$   600.00 (total 268 issues in 6033 pages) 
2004 US$ 1,000.00 (total 398 issues in 9581 pages) 
2005 US$ 1,200.00 (total 575 issues in 12677 pages)
2006 US$ 2,200.00 (total 282 issues in 22052 pages)
2007 US$ 2,400.00 (total 285 issues in 23530 pages)
2008 US$ 2,600.00 (total 288 issues in 24409 pages)
         US$ 1,600.00 (entomology issues)
         US$ 1,600.00 (non-insect  issues)
2009 US$ 2,800.00 (total 359 issues in 28858 pages)
         US$ 1,600.00 (entomology issues)
         US$ 1,600.00 (non-insect  issues)
2010 US$ 3,200.00 (total 405 issues in 32,330 pages)
         US$ 1,800.00 (entomology issues)
         US$ 1,800.00 (non-insect  issues)
2011 US$ 3,400.00 (total 417 issues in 32,143 pages)
         US$ 2,000.00 (entomology issues)
         US$ 2,000.00 (non-insect  issues)
2012 US$ 4,200.00 (> 420 issues in >32,000 pages)
         US$ 3,000.00 (entomology issues)
         US$ 3,000.00 (non-insect  issues)
2013 US$ 4,600.00 (total 330 issues in 39,821 pages)
2014 US$ 5,200.00 (total 321 issues in 39,909 pages)

Print edition + online
  US$   130.00 (total 20 issues in 302 pages)
2002  US$   900.00 (total 107 issues in 2445 pages)
2003  US$2,200.00 (total 268 issues in 6033 pages) 
2004  US$3,500.00 (total 398 issues in 9581 pages) 
2005  US$4,500.00 (total 575 issues in 12677 pages)
2006  US$7,400.00 (total 282 issues in 22052 pages)
2007  US$7,700.00 (total 285 issues in 23530 pages)
2008  US$8,000.00 (total 288 issues in 24409 pages)
          US$4,500.00 (entomology issues)
          US$4,500.00 (non-insect  issues)
2009  US$8,000.00 (total 359 issues in 28858 pages)
          US$4,500.00 (entomology issues)
          US$4,500.00 (non-insect  issues)
2010  US$8,300.00 (total 405 issues in 32,330 pages)
          US$4,600.00 (entomology issues)
          US$4,600.00 (non-insect  issues)
2011  US$8,800.00 (total 417 issues in 32,143 pages)
          US$4,900.00 (entomology issues)
          US$4,900.00 (non-insect  issues)
2012  US$9,800.00 (> 420 issues in >32,000 pages)
          US$6,400.00 (entomology issues)
          US$6,400.00 (non-insect  issues)
2013 US$ 10,000.00 (total 330 issues in 39,821 pages)
2014 US$ 12,000.00 (total 321 issues in 39,909 pages)

Online access

Subscription to the online edition (options 1 to 6) includes campus-wide access to full text for the year(s) of subscription by IP authentication and subscribers may download and store papers for personal/research use.
It is half price for 2nd location for online services. 

We'd provide the perpetual access for the paid subscribed ONLINE CONTENT without maintenance fee.

Delivery of print edition

The print edition is mailed by air mail and should reach most countires in the world in 1-2 weeks; postage and handling is extra.  

Payment options

Payment by Cheque, bank transfer, money order, credit payment with paypal or Western Union.

Copyright © 2001-2015 Magnolia Press
Published on 30 Jul. 2015