ZOOTAXA ISSN 1175-5326 (Print Edition) & ISSN 1175-5334 (Online Edition)
A mega-journal for zoological taxonomists in the world

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Peer review is essential for the success of Zootaxa. We thank the following for their time and help during 2005-2006. Please report ommission to the subject editor whom asked you for review.  If you do not wish to be listed here, please also let us know

Alvarenga, H.;

Cha, H.-R. 

Daly, M.

Emslie, S.;

Krabbe, N.; 

Remsen, J.V.;

Saito, Y.; Sanamyan, K.; Schulenberg, T.; Stach, T.; Steinheimer, F.; 

Turon, X.

Whitney, B.; Worthy, T.;

Masumoto, M.; Okajima, S.

Bertani, R.; Guadanucci, P.; Platnick, N.I.; Schwendinger,, P.

Cohen, A. Kempf, E.K.


D. Meyer M. O'Loughlin D. Pawson F.W.E. Rowe Y. Samyn

Blake, J.A.; Bick, A.; Brock, J.; Cochrane, S.; Giangrande, A.; Kupriyanova, E.; Lana, P. da C.; Pernet, B.; Wilson, R.

Mašán, P.; Halliday, R. B.; Beard, J.; Walter, D. E.; Błoszyk, J.; Ueckermann, E. A.; Olivier, P.; den Heyer, J.; Moraes, G. J.; Corpuz-Raros, L.; Klompen, H.; Ragusa, S.


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Published 21 Dec. 2006